都市生態系を再生拡張する社会基盤インフラとしてのアメリカミズアブファーム Decentralised community-scale BSF farm as a tool to regenerate the urban ecosystem
A series of events that began with a shocking encounter with a wriggling maggot taking over the worm compost in my backyard made me realise that maggots, larvae of an insect called Black Soldier Fly (BSFL), are not essentially a commercial commodity but are decomposers in the ecosystem, providing an essential critical ecosystem service of soil formation on the planet.
While it is clear that BSFL is an excellent sustainable feed resource for the food industry, the potential and importance of BSF's contribution to the restoration of urban ecosystems and environments have not yet been discussed much.
Through experiments and dialogue in local urban farms, we created a vision of using the decentralised BSF system for the betterment of the well-being of the urban ecosystem, which nourishes all humans and diverse organisms.
We will fulfil this vision by making BSFL widely available to the community and enabling to convert most, if not all, of organic waste generated in the city into a resource for ecosystem restoration and regeneration activity within the community.
We are currently working with a local community garden to develop a prototype system to demonstrate the ability and lifecycle of BSF and to validate the project idea through dialogue with community members about the nature of the problems associated with urbanisation and food systems and the ways to address them locally. -
#BSF #ecosystem #regenerative urbanism
The project aims to support existing local groups and organisations working on regenerative farming and ecosystem restoration activities to increase their productivity, create revenue and strengthen their environmental impact.
The centralised hub facility will produce and supply the young BSF larvae for distribution and deliver the service to support the production and utilisation of BSF-derived products at the community level.
It enables the users to establish a resource recovery system that efficiently and stably produces an abundance of valuable insect-derived organic materials within the community by feeding locally generated food waste as a feed source to the young larvae supplied by the hub facility.
The user could produce added value BSF-derived products by integrating the BSF system with existing composting technology using micro-organisms, earthworms and fermented materials. The end products can be used and sold on farms to improve productivity and create revenue.
It would support the development of a local regenerative food production system and build a local circular economy by creating related circular businesses, green jobs and local speciality products.
Localised BSF-based circular systems can be used as participatory learning programmes in collaboration with schools and the community to deepen understanding of material circular cycles and biodiversity around the local food system.
It aims to raise environmental awareness and promote collective behavioural change across generations to adopt an eco-centric perspective to support a regenerative food system that utilises locally generated organic waste as a resource to improve and sustain the well-being of the community and ecosystem. -
We support local initiatives that contribute to ecosystem restoration, such as community composting programmes and regenerative urban agriculture, and provide services to implement and utilise B S F systems in combination with existing activities to scale up their socio-environmental impact.
Through this service, we believe we can help improve the productivity and profitability of regenerative activities, broaden the range of users, and support collaborators to establish a more stable operational base for the organisation.
We envision a future in which the urban environment is transformed into a forest-like ecosystem by scaling up the impact of community-scale BSF system application. We envision a future in which the BSF system is deeply rooted within the community environment as a common social capital-like infrastructure that connects people and ecosystems and distributes the social and environmental benefits to the community.
To this end, research and development need to be carried out and sustained to improve the facility design, including accessibility, and to enable flexible use in response to community-specific environmental conditions and context, user characteristics and changing demands and needs.
A collaborative investigation will be required with relevant institutions and experts, including users, to establish the technology and process to manage the quality of organic waste as insect feed, stable, safe and effective production of insect-derived products, and market development. -
狼を森に返すことで動物の行動が変化し植生と水環境を含む生態系全体の機能が最適に調節されるように、メリアブ を人類の新たなキーストーン種として都市生活の中に意図的にデザインするシステムの実装は我々が生態系の一部として自覚を持って行動するよう促し、人間が主体となって生態系の回復、再生、拡張をもたらす持続的な発展を可能にする社会変革に繋がるのと考えます。
Currently, food waste composting technologies, which utilise various micro-organisms that have been commonly used until now in general, have a strong focus on environmental impact reduction aimed at reducing the amount of waste to be sent to incineration and landfill.
Therefore the efficiency of resource recovery from organic waste and the adding value to the final product, compost, as a circular resource was not given much attention in general.
By learning about the roles of various decomposers in nature, such as BSF, worms, micro-organisms and fermentative bacteria, as well as the needs and demands of the organic resources produced through the system, the project enables to design and eliminates the concept of the waste by establishing a circular life cycle in which surplus organic matter generated in an urban community is efficiently decomposed using appropriate decomposing organisms and the various high-value end-products produced are used as a resource within the community.
Just as returning once-lost-wolves to the forest environment changes animal behaviour and rebuilds the entire ecosystem, the implementation of a system that uses BSF (as a modern keystone species to humanity) to deliberately design the production of valuable regenerative resources within urban community space in a visible manner encourages us to act consciously as part of the ecosystem to fulfil our role.
It would make us feel better to take the initiative to enable sustainable development by eliminating waste from the supply chain and systematically delivering the restoration, regeneration and expansion of ecosystems through its design of the circular social business model.
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Decentralised community-scale BSF farm as a tool to regenerate the urban ecosystem
アメリカミズアブ (以下メリアブ)は我々や産業が排出する食品廃棄物や様々な有機性廃棄物を既存の微生物やミミズなど他の生物を利用するどの処理方法よりも効率よく、早く、安全にかつ少ない温室効果ガスの排出によって経済価値のある最終生成物に変換することのできる益虫です。
The Black Soldier Fly (BSF) is a beneficial insect that can convert food waste and various organic wastes generated from our cities into economically valuable end-products.
BSF technology is more efficient and generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions than any other microbial or worm-based organic waste treatment process.
With increasing industrial application worldwide as an alternative protein source to current non-sustainable animal feed and pet food, BSF is the most promising sustainable technology for organic waste treatment and protein production.
However, it is crucial to understand that they are essentially one of the decomposers of organic material in the ecosystem, producing biological resources that become living soil and maintaining ecological balance.
We believe by making the best use of their capabilities, we could tackle the problems of the destructive impact of urbanisation and current food systems on the global ecosystems that are leading causes of the climate crisis through a community-based approach.
We propose developing a community-scale regenerative circular system to support and enhance the urban environment's resilience and well-being of people and the ecosystem.
By harnessing BSF's unique ability, we can transform the urban environment into a functional ecosystem that uses food waste as a feed source to produce BSF-derived end-products and use it as a resource to restore and regenerate our urban ecosystem.
The Black Soldier Fly (BSF) is a beneficial insect that can convert food waste and various organic wastes generated from our cities into economically valuable end-products.
BSF technology is more efficient and generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions than any other microbial or worm-based organic waste treatment process.
With increasing industrial application worldwide as an alternative protein source to current non-sustainable animal feed and pet food, BSF is the most promising sustainable technology for organic waste treatment and protein production.
However, it is crucial to understand that they are essentially one of the decomposers of organic material in the ecosystem, producing biological resources that become living soil and maintaining ecological balance.
We believe by making the best use of their capabilities, we could tackle the problems of the destructive impact of urbanisation and current food systems on the global ecosystems that are leading causes of the climate crisis through a community-based approach.
We propose developing a community-scale regenerative circular system to support and enhance the urban environment's resilience and well-being of people and the ecosystem.
By harnessing BSF's unique ability, we can transform the urban environment into a functional ecosystem that uses food waste as a feed source to produce BSF-derived end-products and use it as a resource to restore and regenerate our urban ecosystem.