2. 参加地域
3. プロジェクトデザイン
4. ファン醸成の設計
1. メインビジュアル
takibi connect
自治体ごとの寄附額格差を縮小させ、関係人口創出を循環させる仕組みを作ることを目的として始動したのが、『takibi connect』プロジェクトです。
『takibi connect』は第三者視点のメディアとして設計し、“ユーザーの興味を引きやすい構造”を確立させました。
『takibi connect』がきっかけで、「リピーターによる寄附額が増加した」「店舗に寄附者様が来店してくれた」「記事を見た方が移住してくれた」というお声をいただくこともあり、今後もふるさと納税活性化に向けて貢献していきたいと考えています。
The Furusato Nozei (hometown tax donation) system was established by the government to correct disparities in tax revenue between regions. However, in recent years, the heated competition over return gifts has highlighted various issues. As a company that handles BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) for Furusato Nozei, we decided to address these challenges directly. Our "Takibi Connect" project was launched with the aim of reducing donation disparities between municipalities and creating a system that fosters sustainable community involvement.
Municipalities need to promote a diverse range of offerings fairly. "Takibi Connect" is designed as a third-party media platform and establishes a structure that easily captures user interest. For users who have previously used SNS or made hometown tax donations, we send articles via direct messages, guiding them toward becoming repeat contributors. In addition, we have developed a structure optimized for SEO, enabling organic discovery of articles by the general public.
As a result of "Takibi Connect," we’ve received feedback such as "repeat donations have increased," "donors have visited local shops," and "people have relocated after reading the articles." We are committed to continuing our efforts to revitalize the Furusato Nozei system. -
審査のポイントである3つのP(for People, for Planet, for Profit)について、あなたのプロジェクトや活動ではどのような取り組みをしていますか?
This is a web media platform aimed at Furusato Nozei users and individuals interested in regional development, sharing the challenges faced by businesses and municipalities. Some users have even relocated after reading our articles, contributing to the creation of community engagement and sustained interest in municipalities and companies. We believe that by highlighting the hidden appeal of passionate, local businesses through independent reporting from a third-party perspective, we can contribute to the sustainability of these regions.
We have designed a user journey that encourages repeat donations from users who have donated in the past through direct messaging and other means, leading to an increase in donation amounts. This directly benefits municipalities and businesses. Moreover, by taking the lead as a third-party entity independent of the local region, we can resolve the dilemma municipalities face, as they are required to treat various entities fairly. For example, we implement intentional strategies such as designing an SEO-friendly structure that facilitates organic traffic and creating visually appealing designs that improve article completion rates. -
#Local Circular Community #Design #Tug
【特別賞】 「教育とストーリーテリング」あなたの取り組みは、複雑なバイオエコノミーの概念をどのようにしてわかりやすく、そして魅力的にしていますか?(日英併記)