製品にならないパンの耳をアップサイクルしたピルスナー・Hazy IPA 作り/Pilsner/Hazy IPA made by upcycling unprocessed bread crusts.
「LokaL Shop」は株式会社ライツデザインによるプライベートブランド。企業のブランディングデザインを本業とするライツデザインが、自社ブランドを通じて一層能動的に持続可能なものづくりを行なっていくために 2023年に新設した。一見すると価値の無いように感じるものから、価値の有るものへ変化させていく。
パンビールプロジェクトは、ベーカリーのブランディングデザインに数多く携わる中で、製パン時や売れ残りによって、廃棄されるパン(パン生地)が多く発生することを知り始まった。廃棄パンを捨てず生かすことができないか模索する中で、パンを廃棄しないベーカリー運営に挑むSHŌPAIN ARTISAN BAKEHOUSEと、有機農家兼マイクロブルワリーのペッカリービールに出会い、ビールの原材料としての活路を見出した。SHŌPAIN ARTISAN BAKEHOUSEでは基本的に廃棄パンが発生しないが、唯一サンドウィッチの加工時に切り落とすパン耳のみ製品として売り出すことができないでいた。そのパン耳をビール製造時の原材料としてアップサイクル。醸造の過程で発生する麦汁の搾りかすは、ペッカリービールで小麦を栽培する際の肥料として再利用し、サーキュラーエコノミー型の生産にも取り組んでいる。フードロス問題の解決を前提としているため、大量生産はせず原料のパン耳限りの超少量生産。ラベルの作画は佐貫絢郁さんに依頼。絶滅危惧種に指定されているガラパゴスペンギンとマレートラをモチーフに、売上の一部はそれら動物保護団体の活動に寄付している。ライツデザインは商品の企画と、デザイン制作全般を担い、商品のストーリーをデザインを通して適切に伝え広める。
LokaL Shop is a private brand of LIGHTS DESIGN Co. LIGHTS DESIGN, whose core business is corporate branding design, established LokaL Shop in 2023 to actively promote sustainable manufacturing through its own brand. It transforms what appears to have no value into something of value.
The Bread Beer project started when we realised that a lot of bread is discarded during the baking process and as unsold products. In searching for ways to make use of discarded bread instead of throwing it away, we came across SHŌPAIN ARTISAN BAKEHOUSE, which is trying to run a bakery without discarding bread, and Peccary Beer, an organic farmer and microbrewery. In this way, they found a way to make use of it as a raw material for beer.
SHŌPAIN ARTISAN BAKEHOUSE basically produces no waste bread, but only the bread crusts, which are cut off when processing sandwiches, could not be sold as a product. The bread crusts are upcycled as raw materials for beer production. Peccary Beer is also involved in circular economy-type production by reusing the wort pomace generated in the brewing process as fertiliser for growing wheat. As it is based on the premise of solving the food loss problem, the brewery does not mass-produce, but produces very small quantities, only making as much as there are bread crusts. The labels are drawn by Ayaka Sanuki. She drew the Galapagos penguins and Malayan tigers, which are listed as endangered species, as motifs. Part of the proceeds are donated to the activities of these animal protection organisations. LIGHTS DESIGN is responsible for product planning and overall design production, and communicates and spreads the story of the products appropriately through design. -
審査のポイントである3つのP(for People, for Planet, for Profit)について、あなたのプロジェクトや活動ではどのような取り組みをしていますか?
「Social Good」を活動テーマに据えるライツデザインは、デザインを通して人の営み、自然環境、動物の健やかな活動それぞれを明るく発展させていきます。
・for People
・for Planet
・for Profit
製品にならなかったパン耳に原材料としての価値を与え活用。出来上がったビールはSHŌPAIN ARTISAN BAKEHOUSEでも販売しており、行き先のないものから製品へと生まれ変わった。また個別には解決できない問題を、協業を通して解決する取り組みでもある。企画とデザインを使って他業種を結びつけ、サーキュラーエコノミーを実現する。
LIGHTS DESIGN, with ‘Social Good’ as its theme, aims to brighten and develop society, the natural environment and animal activities through design.
For People.
When you buy a product, you automatically participate in the bread project. We want to involve people in the circular economy through the power of design, so that when they drink a beer because they are attracted by the design, they unexpectedly take part in the project. Let's drink beer and get drunk to brighten up the planet!
For Planet.
Initiatives to address the issue of food loss. It is said that 4.72 million tonnes of food loss is generated annually in Japan (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 2022 estimate). Of this, 2.36 million tonnes is generated by food-related businesses and 2.36 million tonnes is generated by households. As well as being a trans-national food distribution problem, it is also linked to greenhouse gas emissions from incineration and landfill. This problem is tackled by upcycling bread crusts, which are edible parts but not products, as raw materials. Wort pomace from beer brewing is recycled for wheat cultivation, thus tackling non-linear, circular economy production. A portion of the proceeds are donated to conservation groups for the protection of endangered animals.
For Profit.
Bread crusts that are not turned into products are given value as raw materials and utilised. The resulting beer is sold at the SHŌPAIN ARTISAN BAKEHOUSE, transforming waste bread into a product. It is also an initiative to solve problems that cannot be solved individually through collaboration. It uses planning and design to bring together other industries and realise a circular economy. -
#upcycle #foodwaste #circulareconomy
【特別賞】 「教育とストーリーテリング」あなたの取り組みは、複雑なバイオエコノミーの概念をどのようにしてわかりやすく、そして魅力的にしていますか?(日英併記)