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In a dark world, there are countless people with similar looks who live mechanically, each with its own bar code. Their daily activities are fixed: getting up, taking the bus, taking the subway, waiting in line to scan code into the company, working in front of the computer, coming home from work, taking the subway, taking the bus So let's go through this cycle. There is no room for my own thinking and no other recreational activities, like the products produced on the assembly line.
Like many people in this world, the protagonist is doing these tasks cyclically until one day before being queued up to scan the company, he is accidentally hit by a colored person. The barcode on his body is stained with color and cannot be removed. The machine did not recognize her bar code, so she could not enter the company. She cried and cried. She was surprised to find that the color began to spread with the bar coded piece of color. She was full of colorful people. She looked at it. The world has also begun to grow gorgeous. She smiled, ran, and wandered in this colorful world.
