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GGJ Munich

Our challenges were focused primarily around 4 key areas which included, sustainable development for people and planet, migration, electronic waste, and water and climate change.

The first group worked on sustainable development for people and the planet looking at the problem of conflict minerals and how they could increase transparency in the market. Through their prototyping phase, they developed areas ranging from research, data collection and consulting and advisory services.

The migration challenged focused on how refugees without a local working permit could be integrated into society. Partnering with the social Impact Hub in Munich, the group came up with an app to help refugees without a work permit to connect with German people through cooking.

The electronic waste worked on how to provide products that are reusable towards reducing our electronic footprints. They developed an App known as Walle to help connect companies and users of electronic products to enable consumers to make better choices regarding the environmental impact of their devices

The last challenge focused on water and climate change. The group partnering with the Munich Airport sought out how to make the Munich airport more sustainable. They asked the question, how could they make the passengers of the airport help the airport more sustainable? They came up with an online platform which helps the Munich passengers to contribute to the Munich airport sustainability effort.
