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Primal Sonic Visions Geothermal Cooling Tower in Tuscany

Primal Sonic Visions aims to awaken a sense of astonishment, wonder and curiosity in the power and beauty of wind, solar, hydro and geothermal energy sources. Visitors to this exhibition are first met with a sonic beckoning in the entrance courtyard of the Ca Foscari exhibition hall. Venice’s primal sonic voice of live and recorded underwater sounds of the Grand Canal and the Venice Lagoon softly resonate as a sonic invitation. Perhaps a visitor hearing this will stop and think why is this timeless ancient voice is calling?
Visitors then entering this exhibition are met with an organically flowing and immersive series of sonic and visual abstractions created from renewable power sources of wind, moving water, the sun and ancient heat from the core of the earth.
IRENA gave me the opportunity to visit and record such sites in Iceland, Portugal, Italy, Austria, California and the UAE. The resulting media artworks created from these experiences are not documentary in style but convey the emotional and conceptual responses I had visiting these sites.
In producing this body of work, I was always reacting to these sites from my first impressions of sound and vision. I was not thinking about how to accurately document these locations but rather how to capture their abstract sensory magic.
