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Smokejack Tiles

Smokejack explores the aesthetic language of digital crafting within contemporary ceramics. The collection showcases CNC milling on wet terracotta clay exploring the fingerprint of the machine. As the tool collides with the clay, digital imperfections reveal themselves. The project unpacks CNC technology from a craft perspective and looks at the digital tool in the historical craft process of retooling.

Smokejack explores the origin of clay in a collection on 48 terracotta tiles showing the topographical landscape of the terracotta pit 'Smokejack' in Cranleigh, England. Each tile is encoded with its unique GPS coordinates and milled by CNC.

Terracotta clay, ash frame,
970mm x 1260mm, 2019

Smokejack Tiles

Smokejack Tiles - detail

Smokejack Tiles - process
