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New way of thinking
この作品のテーマは日常への違和感であり、それは常識への懐疑でもあります。 言わずもがな、日本は3.11で大きく舵を切ることになりました。しかし、今だ、なにも変わってないと言えるのかもしれません。むしろ、悪化の一途を辿ってると言った方がより状況を的確に表現しているのかもしれません。 この作品の素材は、自分で撮影した風景画像と著作権フリーの写真です。人工光によって照らされスタジオで撮影された植物たちは、どこか不自然さを帯びてます。それは途方に暮れながらも放射能に覆われた土地に住まざるを得ない我々の生活とも符号するのではないでしょうか?それは外部からの強制された力に対して抵抗し、受け入れ、順応していく、そのような無力さです。 放射能は目に見えないので、一見、私たちの生活も変化は見えにくいです。しかし、分子レヴェルの世界では、とてつもない事態なのです。量子化されている世界でも同様なのでしょうか。 日常の皮を捲ると、そこにどんな世界が繰り広げられているのか。私たちは、それを確かめる勇気を持つべきです。
New way of thinking:The theme of this work is a sense of incongruity to daily life, and it is doubt to common sense. It is better left unsaid, and Japan will greatly cut a rudder in 3.11. However, it is in now, it may be said that nothing changes. Rather the person whom I told to follow a course of the aggravation may express the situation precisely more. The material of this work is a scenery image and a photograph of the copyright free which I photographed by oneself. The plants which are lighted up by the artificial light, and were photographed in a studio are charged with some unnaturalness. It may do a mark with our life that cannot but live in the land which was wrapped up by radioactivity while being at a loss, and it resists forced power from the outside and is acceptance, such a powerlessness adapting to. Because the radioactivity is invisible, seemingly our life is hard to see the change, too. However, in the world of the molecular level, it is an awful situation. Is it similar in the quantized world? What kind of world is developed there when I roll up everyday skin? We should have courage to check it.
New way of thinking:The theme of this work is a sense of incongruity to daily life, and it is doubt to common sense. It is better left unsaid, and Japan will greatly cut a rudder in 3.11. However, it is in now, it may be said that nothing changes. Rather the person whom I told to follow a course of the aggravation may express the situation precisely more. The material of this work is a scenery image and a photograph of the copyright free which I photographed by oneself. The plants which are lighted up by the artificial light, and were photographed in a studio are charged with some unnaturalness. It may do a mark with our life that cannot but live in the land which was wrapped up by radioactivity while being at a loss, and it resists forced power from the outside and is acceptance, such a powerlessness adapting to. Because the radioactivity is invisible, seemingly our life is hard to see the change, too. However, in the world of the molecular level, it is an awful situation. Is it similar in the quantized world? What kind of world is developed there when I roll up everyday skin? We should have courage to check it.