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COPEN Effect Skin 3DP Project
ダイハツと新進気鋭の3Dクリエイター、ストラタシスが協働して取り組む「COPEN Effect Skin 3DP」プロジェクト。ダイハツは、外板の情報をオープンにすることで、社外のクリエイターたちとのコラボレーションを活性化させる。クリエイターが、アルゴノミックデザインを用いてDRESSパーツをデザイン。エンドユーザーが3Dデータの数値を操作して思いのままにパーツをカスタマイズできる仕組みをつくる。そして、3Dプリンタメーカーであるストラタシスは、ユーザーがカスタマイズした3Dデータをもとに外板パーツを製作する。
"COPEN Effect Skin 3DP" is the collaborative project among DAIHATSU, Stratasys Japan, and 3D creators. DAIHATSU opens 3D information of exterior panels to activate and power collaboration with creators. Creators use algorithmic process to create “DRESS” panels. End-users manipulate the 3D parameters to custom their favorite panels. And Stratasys enabled users` customized 3D data as dress panels with 3D printer.
This project transcends the boundary of manufacturer, user, and also automotive industry, and now manufacturing/creation has come to new stage.
"COPEN Effect Skin 3DP" is the collaborative project among DAIHATSU, Stratasys Japan, and 3D creators. DAIHATSU opens 3D information of exterior panels to activate and power collaboration with creators. Creators use algorithmic process to create “DRESS” panels. End-users manipulate the 3D parameters to custom their favorite panels. And Stratasys enabled users` customized 3D data as dress panels with 3D printer.
This project transcends the boundary of manufacturer, user, and also automotive industry, and now manufacturing/creation has come to new stage.