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I wish I could feel of falling in love just once in my life. In Japan , there is a tendency for people to marry later. That's why we are dreaming of a fateful encounter."Vivivi CONTROLLER” is a device that will make this dream come true. The word ‘Vivivi' describes the electric feel in Japanese and it is also used for the feel of falling in love. So this device converts your feeling (vivivi) to an actual electricity (vivivi) and informs you that you have encountered to the destined partner. Your destiny is in your hand.
"Vivivi CONTROLLER" is the device which will make that girl to turn around.You sense the destiny and the sensor detects increase of your heart rate.Then it releases electricity which will force you to say your feeling. It will create a chance to speak to the girl.In other words, "Vivivi CONTROLLER" is loudspeaker of a tiny voice inside your heart. We think it is innovative communication tool.
This device is not only create a chance to speak to the girl, but it can warm up party and bar. Furthermore, to provide a device capable of eliminating mannerism of couples.
We need this devices for fateful meeting in this information age. Voicing inside your heart is more effective than sending SNS messages.
一生に一度でいい。運命の出会いをしたい。かつて一世風靡したアイドルは、「ビビビッときました」そう告げて結婚しました。 平成の世になり、晩婚化が叫ばる昨今も、このような情熱的な恋には強い憧れを覚えます。このビビビコントローラ(ビビビコン)はそんな運命を恣意的につくることができるデバイスです。このデバイスにより我々はついに運命は自らの手で掴めるようになりました。
"Vivivi CONTROLLER" is the device which will make that girl to turn around.You sense the destiny and the sensor detects increase of your heart rate.Then it releases electricity which will force you to say your feeling. It will create a chance to speak to the girl.In other words, "Vivivi CONTROLLER" is loudspeaker of a tiny voice inside your heart. We think it is innovative communication tool.
This device is not only create a chance to speak to the girl, but it can warm up party and bar. Furthermore, to provide a device capable of eliminating mannerism of couples.
We need this devices for fateful meeting in this information age. Voicing inside your heart is more effective than sending SNS messages.
一生に一度でいい。運命の出会いをしたい。かつて一世風靡したアイドルは、「ビビビッときました」そう告げて結婚しました。 平成の世になり、晩婚化が叫ばる昨今も、このような情熱的な恋には強い憧れを覚えます。このビビビコントローラ(ビビビコン)はそんな運命を恣意的につくることができるデバイスです。このデバイスにより我々はついに運命は自らの手で掴めるようになりました。