Hackathons and workshops will be hosted at various FabCafe locations around the world, subscribe here to get the latest updates.
[FabCafe Bangkok] Mask for ER
Date: Mar 14-15, 2020
Venue: FabCafe Bangkok - TCDC
The ongoing coronavirus outbreak has plunged Thailand into a face mask crisis, with shortages, price gouging and even news of alleged mask hoarding. FabCafe Bangkok has held a hackathon to think of ways to help the current upheaval, especially for the medical sector. Participants created two types of ER masks (fabric-based and plastic-based), and met with doctors for feedback.
Register for the event here.

[FabCafe Hong Kong] Fighting the virus with innovative ideas
Date: Feb 27, 2020
Venue: FabCafe HK
Subscribe here to get the latest updates for the April event.
FabCafe Hong Kong held an ideation session to explore potential solutions to everyday challenges during the coronavirus outbreak. Participants from the public were invited to join the ‘FAB Ideation’ workshop, the first in a series that aims to tackle social and environmental issues through innovative ideas.
See event report here

April, 2020
Subscribe here to get the latest updates for the April event.