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Ponte Balance Board

Ponte is a balance board that is used by two people simultaneously so that they can support and motivate each other to improve their balance together.

Having bad balance is very common and can lead to dangerous accidents. Balance boards are a great tool to improve balance. However, their current design encourages users to use them incorrectly and unsafely.

Ponte is used by two people simultaneously: The users need to maintain eye contact, communicate and support each other through touch. They also tend to mimic each other and have to learn to anticipate each other’s movements. This allows them to strengthen their bonds and improve their empathy towards each other.

A phone with the Ponte application is placed at the centre of the board. The two circles on the app visualise how balanced the board is and helps users understand how they can better synchronise their movements. Furthermore, it helps establish a healthy habit by recording the frequency of use.

Ponte helps create a smarter home, where users build their confidence and balance together.

Ponte is a balance board that is used by two people simultaneously so they can support and motivate each other to improve their balance together.

The users need to maintain eye contact, communicate well and support each other through touch. They also tend to motor mimic each other and have to learn to anticipate each others movements. This allows them to strengthen their bonds and improve their empathy towards each other.

The Ponte App measures the success of the team rather than the individual. The App helps establish a healthy habit by recording the frequency of use: The mere act of recording an action is known to spark an urge to repeat an action.

Once the phone with the Ponte App is placed in the centre of the board, two circles visualize how balanced the board is: A singular orange dot means that the users are in perfect balance. Two blue dots mean that the board is very tilted and that the users might not be synchronising well.
