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Heliobots are robots that live on a sunflower plant. We designed these robots to move on the stem of a plant and preprogrammed light patterns, to control the shape of their growth.

Light and gravity are commonly known factors governing the morphological growth of a plant. We use this capability of plants, to demonstrate controlled shapes using robots.

We prepared simple mechanisms that allow a robot to tread on a rough surface, moving slowly with the growth of a plant. We emphasize a symbiotic on-plant relationship of robots, as opposed to building larger guiding scaffolds around them for architecture.

In this experiment, we performed a 45-day growth time-lapse with the Russian mammoth variety. Robots were mounted on each of these plants that could go up and down the stem. As the program is started, the onboard directional lighting stimulates the direction of growth. After a period of 45 days, we saw similarity between software programmed growth pattern and the real world. – a combination of nature’s organic growth vs. computer control.

Robot with encoded program guiding organic plant growth

Robot with encoded program guiding organic plant growth

Heliobots - Robots mounted a sunflower plant, growing plants as per encoded software program

45 day timelapse of Russian Mammoth perrenial sunflowers

Sunflower just before blossoming -- 5 days before flower opens

Sunflower plant seedling when prepped before mounting robots

Sunflower just before blossoming -- 5 days before flower opens

Final outcome of the timelapse plant-robot growth experiment, demonstrating unit control over shapes

Directional growth visible during mid-point of thr 45 day growrth

Directional growth visible during 20th day of the 45 day growth
