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250 Words

250 words is the maximum length for a digital application review. My project takes advantage of the increased usage of the video call application “Zoom” during COVID 19 pandemic in order to examine the language that is used when various stakeholders discuss the joys, frustrations and risks associated with this platform.

The four interactive chapters on my website feature various collections of words and phrases related to the use of “Zoom” and the related data security issues in the form of poems. The first chapter called “We Are All In This Together” contains poems I wrote by using exclusively users’ comments about the application. The second chapter “You Can Finally Trust Computers” is a collection of poems constructed from Zoom’s response to accusations of privacy breaches.

In the third chapter, “Have You Accepted It As Your Lord And Saviour” the arranged poems feature snippets of media commentary. Closing the publication is “Screen Time” and an interactive piece that invites the reader to merge different "voices" featured in the publication.

“250 words” seeks to playfully stimulate discussions and increased awareness on the numerous questions about privacy, data protection, security and surveillance generated by the Coronavirus outbreak.

Screen Time

You can finally trust computers

We are all in this together

Screen Time
