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Apprenticeship 2.0 is a digital craft system that simulates virtual material know-how to create heightened sense of embodiment in VR. Enabling a new form of craft preservation practice, this ongoing project provokes discussion about human-machine symbiosis in the 21st century.

Today it is more important than ever to take pride in human abilities and direct inevitable technological change to support human creativity and craftsmanship. As VR/AR/XR technologies take center stage, and 'contactless' becoming the norm, innovative approaches to creating true sense of embodiment in virtual experiences need to be embraced. Set against this backdrop, Apprenticeship 2.0 materializes as a digital craft tool and an immersive VR experience to propose a new form of craft apprenticeship. Using particle-based simulated ropes with realistic material properties, the system simulates material know-how and the passage of time in a virtual makerspace. The virtual ropes react to gravity, stretch, wrap and deform based on how the apprentice's hands, tracked with depth sensors, manipulate them. Capturing both the perfections and imperfections resulting from the human hands, the project places Homo faber – man as the maker – at the heart of human becoming, to:
1. instill in them intrinsic values attained through craftsmanship – the enduring commitment and desire to do a job well for its own sake;
2. demonstrate the possibilities of human-machine symbiosis;
3. and provoke discussion about craft preservation.
