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Hand Wash Position Sculptures

A series of hand carved sculptures in alabaster and soapstone.

Society teaches us to prevent contamination by washing our hands. We are taught specific positions through posters and videos, in response to this dogma, I have created a series of sculptures using soapstone and alabaster that gently place our hands in these positions when we interact with them.

With the rise of COVID-19 now, more than ever we are hyper aware of hygiene practices and how the sensation of ‘feeling clean’ can be felt physically and mentally. The pandemic has deeply affected our behaviour and isolation has had a huge impact on mental health. For those already suffering with the fear of contamination - or germaphobia - the pandemic seemed to reinforce their phobia. Fear fuelled behaviours, such as excessive hand washing, now felt necessary to prevent the spread of coronavirus. I carved these tactile objects in a material that we associate with bathrooms and cleanliness. These objects can be used to gently guide the user through the correct hand washing positions. They can also be held as a meditative object , to soothe our fear of germs and provide a moment of calm.

Hand Wash Position 4

Hand Wash Position Sculptures

Hand Wash Position 6
