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Incremental sheet forming with Urushi
We designed PVC sheet forming machine from 3D data and made Shikki by using the deformed sheet.
There are various ways of how to paint for lacquering Urushi, the one taken this time is Negoronuri.
There are many things which the Negoro coating gave a first coat on black Urushi and red Urushi.
The feature of Negoronuri could be presented with black mottle by the use of shikki.
We hope that our shikki could be applied to as much things as possible in daily lives and be enjoyed by people.
We designed PVC sheet forming machine from 3D data and made Shikki by using the deformed sheet.
There are various ways of how to paint for lacquering Urushi, the one taken this time is Negoronuri.
There are many things which the Negoro coating gave a first coat on black Urushi and red Urushi.
The feature of Negoronuri could be presented with black mottle by the use of shikki.
We hope that our shikki could be applied to as much things as possible in daily lives and be enjoyed by people.