Karimoku New Standard
Karimoku New Standard
そのような本来の価値に比べてあまり有効な利用がされているとは言えなかった木材を適切な価格で取引し、手間を惜しまず家具用材とすることにより地域林業の活性化を促し、森林保全の一助となるべく活動しているコレクションです。 -
This collection of wooden furniture was born from the question of what we, as a manufacturer of wooden furniture, can and should do about the problems facing Japan's forests, such as initiative to revitalise the forests and the industries they support.
Wood that has been cut down for various reasons, such as to encourage the growth of other trees, insect damage or disease, is considered unsuitable for furniture due to its small diameter, and is mainly used as chips for paper pulp.
And we think it is not a way utirilze its full potential.
With this collection, we as wooden furniture manufactuerer aim to promote the revitalisation of the local forestry industry and to help preserve the forests by trading these woods at a fair price and sparing no effort to turn it into peice of wooden furniture. -
また発足当初より海外の若手デザイナーを積極的に起用し、デザイナーとともに成長するコレクションを目指し木製家具の新たなスタンダードを生み出すべく今後も製品開発を進めていきます。 -
The furniture collection was born in 2009 with the theme of effective use of small diameter woods and begun with produce small objects.
Along with growth of the collection, larger products such as sofas and tables have also been added to its collection range, but the original theme of using small diameter woods has remained unchanged.
We use our knowledge and skills of wood working process to produce such large products made mainly from sustainably sourced Japanese timber, in order to contribute to address the problems facing Japan's forests.
From its very beginning we have been working with young designers from around of the world to create a collection that will grow with the designers and set new standards for wooden furniture. -
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