The postcard made of forests seeds embodies the idea of absorbing the warmth of autumn leaves and the natural life.
Layer of seeds is created from the fallen leaves, which is then transformed into postcard and can be sent to friends around the world.
Put postcard on the tray that is spread out on. The card will quickly become leaf mold and leaf forest will grow on tray.
The Cradle of the Forest
赤や黄に日本の山々を染め上げる紅葉がふかふかの絨毯になるとき、光り輝く新緑を夢みてたっぷり栄養を蓄える。落ち葉の温もりはそのままに、薄い種シート「森のゆりかご」を作った。はがきに返信して世界の友人の元に届き、水をあげれば森の赤ちゃんが誕生する。森からの小さなプレゼント、大きく育てれば森への恩返しだ。種は、時に花や芝生でも楽しいだろう。好きな処に置き、日常生活の中で気楽に自然に触れる。離れた人との「空間を超えた」コミュニケーションは勿論、先代から孫への「時空を超えた」コミュニケーションと拡がりは無限に連鎖してゆく。さあ、新しい感動の予感と共に「森のゆりかご」はいかが! 世界の友人から届いた葉書が緑化する。セントラルパークで咲いていたクローバーの花が、窓際のプランターで咲いている。そうだ、京都の大原で見つけた蓮華をニューヨークの友人に返信しょう。今回の「森のゆりかご」は、三千院の落ち葉で出来ている。
When the autumn leaves dye the mountains red and yellow, transforming the mountains into a soft fluffy carpet, the trees dream of glorious new green lives and deposit their seeds in cradle of the forest. A thin layer of seeds is created, drawing warmth from the fallen leaves, which is then transformed into a postcard and can be sent to friends around the world. Simply lay it on earth, water it and watch a new-born forest emerge. Cradle of the forest reminds us that we need to preserve and protect our natural environment and wants to encourage people to take better care of it. There are seeds under the stamps. Water your card, and your seed will sprout. This plant dissolves when the cards are watered, and helps the seeds to sprout. Put the postcard on the tray that is spread out on. The card will quickly become leaf mold and a leaf forest will grow on the tray.
サイズ:150 X 100 X 3 (mm) -
The finely pulverized fallen leaves are compressed into a postcard shape by decomposing the coniferous offcuts into fibers and compressing them together with a net-like reinforcing material. Nutrients are impregnated in the reinforcing material of softwood, and when the water permeates the postcard, it dissolves and promotes germination.
Size: 150 X 100 X 3 (mm) -