Offering, giving, and sharing
It is said that one in seven children in Japan live in poverty. The government is taking measures, but they are not enough."Otera Oyatsu Club" receives various supplies donated to the temple and distributes them to economically challenged families through organizations that support children.We share food and kind hearts by connecting local temples, organizations and families. Our goal is to create a mutual-help ecosystem where people are happy to help and to be helped.
おてらおやつクラブは、全国の寺院や団体を巻き込んだネットワークとして急速に活動が広がっています。その背景には、運営に必要な事業費を「おそなえ」「おさがり」「おすそわけ」の3つの要素で抑えることができていることにあると考えます。1,食品や日用品は「おそなえ」として各お寺が受け取るもののため、物品の調達や在庫管理のためのコストがかかりません。2,各お寺が物資の入手経路や賞味期限を確認しているため、「おさがり」として品質保証のための追加コストがかかりません。3,各お寺が「おすそわけ」を配送してくださるため、配送コストが抑えられます。昔ながらの慣習とネットワークを活かして低コストで運営できることにより、参加しやすく続けやすいという特徴があります。当活動は全国77,000のお寺をインフラと見立て活用することで、全国どこにでもある貧困問題にリーチ可能なポテンシャルを有しています。 -
On May 24, 2013, a mother and her child were found starving to death in an apartment in Osaka. In Japan, where food loss is a social problem, we never imagined that starvation deaths could happen. We receive daily requests for support from mothers who are unable to ask for help due to the strong self-responsibility of the public. If a family is isolated and unable to talk to others, they will not be able to get a clue to solve their problems.
On the other hand, it has been reported that COVID-19 is making life even more difficult for the socially vulnerable. As a result, we have been receiving an increasing number of offers of donations and contributions with the message, “Thank you for giving us the opportunity to help”. Our activities function as a platform to connect "help" and "want to help". There, the compassion of people who wish for society to be a place where people can help each other is circulated along with goods.
As a result of our relationship, families in need are able to connect with support groups and consult with them about their lives. We believe that the accumulation of such relationships will lead to a solution to the problem of child poverty.
“Otera Oyatsu Club” is a rapidly growing ecosystem involving temples and organizations throughout the country.We believe that this is due to the fact that we have been able to keep the operating costs down in three factors.1, Each temple receives food and daily necessities as an offering, so there is no cost for procurement and inventory management. 2, There is no additional cost for quality assurance because each temple is responsible for confirming the source and expiration dates of supplies. 3, Each temple will deliver the goods, which will reduce the cost of delivery. Our activities can be operated at low cost by utilizing traditional customs and networks, which makes it easy to participate and sustain. By utilizing the 77,000 temples in Japan as an infrastructure (there are 55,000 convenience stores in Japan), our activities have the potential to reach poverty issues anywhere in the country. -
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