“SPIN” Storyfunding that nurture the world’s talents
SPIN is a crowdfunding service which supports the “Talent” (referring to not only people but also assets such as the nature, animals, culture, arts etc.) we should protect for the future Earth. There are many Talents being unknown due to poverty, environmental destruction, and lack of proper resources. By telling the stories behind the Talents and their possibilities, SPIN enables Talents in need of funding to connect with supporters. This is a new form of crowdfunding called “Story Funding”, in which a mentor who launches a project, social parents who invest in the Talents, and recommenders who make them known to the world work together to nurture the Talents. One part of donation will be rebated in a blockchain-based cryptocurrency and may be re-donated to another project. Moreover, expired coins will be donated to tree-planting projects, and solve environmental issues at the same time. Stories of the Talents will be passed on to the next generations, and such Talens will eventually become the next supporters contributing to a better society. SPIN generates a momentum to circulate support from all over the world.
「モバイルゲームでキャラクターに課金して育成することで莫大なお金がゲーム市場では動いている。そのお金をリアルな地球上の”才能”に課金できないか?」そんな考えから、地球上の“才能” ―子どもや動物、大自然など、地球の未来に残したいものすべて― に課金し育成できるサービスとして「SPIN」が誕生しました。人々の心に訴える「ストーリー」を中心に各国のあらゆる才能を世界中から支援できるグローバルクラウドファンディング=「ストーリーファンディング」という新ジャンルのサービスです。
Freewill,Inc.代表のToshi Asabaは、19歳の頃バックパッカーで40ヶ国以上を旅した際に、貧困や環境が理由で才能ある子どもたちが勉強や好きなことができず、生きるために働かなければいけない状況を目の当たりにし、利益重視の資本主義のあり方に疑問を感じました。その後シリコンバレーで最新のIT技術があれば、マネタイズファーストではなく、ビジネスと地球課題の解決が同時にできると確信して自社サービスの開発及び無意識に地球貢献ができる循環経済の仕組みとして“Sustainable eco Society”構想をスタートしました。その一環として、SPINは開発されています。
SPIN(Social Parents Investment & Nurture)という名前は、地球に残すべき才能に世界中から「Investment(投資)」でき、「Social Parents(ソーシャルペアレンツ)」として共に「Nurture(大切に育てる)」する、そして生れた物語がSPIN(循環)して世界中に広がっていく、というコンセプトに由来しています。
メンター(発起人)は“才能”に関するストーリーを伝えることで、才能を育てるための資金調達や支援者を集めることができます。活動レポートやチャットルームを通じてソーシャルペアレンツとのコミュニケーションが可能です。イベントを開催して意見交換や投げ銭などを受け取ることができます。 ソーシャルペアレンツ(支援者)は、SPINを通じて日常では出会えないようなプロジェクトや人と出逢い、課金をすることで、チャットルームやレポートを通じてメンターと共に才能を育てる体験を世界中どこにいてもできます。レコメンダー(推薦者)は、映画や本に推薦者がいるように、才能のストーリーやメンターの活動に対する応援コメントを寄せ、SNSなどで世界にストーリーを発信することでメンターやソーシャルペアレンツたちと共に才能を育てます。
寄付額の1%が仮想コインとして還元され、他プロジェクトへの寄付やFreewillの別サービスであるエシカルマーケットでの買い物に利用できます。ただし、コインを使わなかったとしても一定期間を過ぎて失効されたコインは、自動的に「森の苗木」として環境保全団体や社会貢献を行う団体に寄与されます。サービスを使えば使うほど、「森の苗木」が増え、無意識に地球貢献ができる循環型経済(Sustainable eco Society)を実現しています。
2つ目の信頼性は、プロジェクトの評価を行う仕組みSocial Impact Scoreを取り入れていることです。ソーシャルペアレンツはメンターの活動レポートなどを通じて評価を行い、きちんと資金が才能を育てる活動に利用されているかなどを評価します。プロジェクト自体のSDGs関連項目も見えるようになっているため、ソーシャルインパクトスコアと合わせて、どのプロジェクトを支援したいかを情報やスコアを見て判断し、選択することが出来ます。
世界が一体となって、人類共通の課題に向かって協力できる仕組みとしてSPINを活用して欲しい、人と人との縁、美しい地球、そして私たちの未来が鮮やかにSPIN(循環)していくことを心から願い、これからもビジネスと地球環境が共存共栄できる世界の実現に向けて取り組んでいきます。 -
"There is a huge amount of money being made in the game industry by paying for developing characters in mobile games. Can't we use that money to pay for the growth of real ‘Talent’ on Earth?" With this in mind, "SPIN" was born as a service that allows users to pay for and nurture the "Talents" of the Earth - children, animals, nature, and everything that we want to preserve for the future Earth.SPIN is a new form of global crowdfunding, or "Story Funding," which focuses on telling"stories" that appeal to people's hearts and allows people from all over the world to support all kinds of Talent in various countries,
At age of 19, Toshi Asaba, now the CEO of Freewill, Inc., has traveled to more than 40 countries as a backpacker. He witnessed countless situations where talented children were unable to go to school or do what they loved due to poverty and their social conditions, and had to work in order to survive. This made him question the nature of profit-oriented capitalism. Later, travelling to Silicon Valley, Toshi became convinced that with the latest IT technology, it is possible to do business and solve global issues without putting money first. Since then he has developed the idea of “Sustainable eco Society” as an inhouse service system of circular economy which enables people to contribute to the Earth unconsciously. As a part of this concept, SPIN has been developed.
The name SPIN (Social Parents Investment & Nurture) means that people from all over the world can "Invest" in Talents that deserve to be preserved for the future Earth , and "Nurture" them together as "Social Parents". This concept is based on the idea that the stories that are born in this nurturing process will SPIN (circulate) and spread throughout the world. Mentors (founders) can raise funds and gather supporters for nurturing talents by sharing their stories about the "Talents". As a Mentor, you can communicate with Social Parents through activity reports, chat rooms, and also can hold events to exchange opinions and receive donations. Through SPIN, Social Parents (supporters) can discover projects and meet people that they would not be able to meet in their daily lives. By donating, they can have the experience of nurturing their Talents with Mentors through chat rooms and reports, where they are in the world. Just like the recommenders of a movie or a book, the Recommender of a SPIN project can send comments to support the story of the Talent and the activities of the Mentor. SPIN sends out their story to the world through social media and other media, and nurture the Talent together with the Mentor and Social Parents.
Supporting projects for social good is not the only purpose of SPIN.
What makes SPIN a unique crowdfunding service is that it enables you to contribute to the environment at the same time of donating on the system.
One percent of your donation will be returned to you in the form of virtual coins, which you can use to donate to other projects or shop at tells market, an ethical market that is another Freewill service. What’s more, the coins that go expired after a certain period of time will automatically be contributed to environmental conservation groups and organizations that make social contributions. The more you use the SPIN service, the more forests will be grown on Earth, which means that you are unconsciously contributing to the realization of a Sustainable eco-Society.
As an IT service, SPIN is designed to be transparent, trustable, and traceable so as to provide a smooth and pleasant experience for users around the world.
SPIN emphasizes on transparency. By visualizing all the transaction fees, payment fees, and service fees for the received amount of donations on the system, users can see at a glance how much money the Mentor has received, etc.. The system and reports also show who is involved in the project and how the donation has been used.
SPIN values trustability by including a Social Impact Score as an evaluation of each project. The Social Impact Score evaluates the project through reports on the activities of the Mentors, and assesses whether the funds are being used properly to nurture Talents. The SDGs-related aspects of the projects are also visible, so users can decide and choose which projects they want to support by looking at the information and the social impact scores together.
SPIN features traceability, which means that the flow of funds can be tracked by blockchain technology and cannot be tampered with or misused by the system. There is no pooling of funds on the part of the system operator, and the funds are delivered directly to the mentor's account in as short as three business days once the project goal has been achieved.
As of October 2021, SPIN has raised 7,137,350 yen for 17 projects around the world, and has been making a positive impact in the protection of whale sharks in the Pacific Ocean, feeding elephants in Thailand, preserving the cultures of fading ethnic minorities in Myanmar, supporting the living of sewing artisans in Bangladesh, as well as creating a sustainable future for the coffee farmers in the Philippines.
We sincerely wish that SPIN will be widely used as a system for uniting the world to cooperate in addressing the common issues common of all humankind, and that the relationships between people, the beautiful earth, and our future will vividly SPIN (circulate) forward. We will continue to work toward the realization of a world where business and the global environment can coexist and prosper. -
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SPINは、あらゆる生かすべき「才能」すべてを対象に、世界中から「Investment(投資)」できる、そんな世界観を目指し、誕生しました。誰でも地球上の「才能」のソーシャルペアレンツ(応援者)になれる、そしてそれが自分の人生の1ページにできたらどれほど豊かな人生になるでしょう。 才能のある者には、世界中からの愛を。それを応援する人たちには、考えたこともないようなドラマを。この願いをかなえたプラットフォーム、それが「SPIN」です。