Made in China,About HK
インターネットやニュース、動画、ソーシャルメディアを通じて、2019年6⽉から起こった「容 疑者引き渡し条例」への反対、この香港の⺠主運動を注目し続けている。今、政治運動を⼈々の 意識に影響を与えている。若者たちはインターネットを通して、デモを発起している。この作品 もインターネットで伝播した情報に応じての「自動反応」である。
この展示は以下の複数のオブジェで構成されていた。傘のインスタレーション、中国で3Dプリン ターした模型や模型の輪郭のスプレー絵画、「抗争者肖像」インターネットプロジェ クトと、スピーカーから流れた⾹港での抗争現場の音声である。
警察の催涙弾の攻撃に対抗するため、雨傘は香港で青年抗争者が使う物である。香港の「雨傘運 動」から始まり、雨傘は香港民主抗争の象徴になった。
デモ現場の画像は毎⽇日インターネットで流されている。私は警察とデモ隊の衝突する過程を見 て、双方が使う代表的な道具を選び、3Dプリンターで⼩小さ目な模型にした。輸出はコントロール していないが、けれどそれらの模型は中国大陸でつくられ、香港を経由し、東京に着く。この経 験で、インターナショナルな工業生産、分業・協力のメカニズムを実感した。 -
started to make this work preparations in August 2019. At the beginning, I just had an idea about the Hong Kong repatriation incident that happened in June at that time. Events are brewing. On the Internet, major media platforms are constantly reporting related matters. And I follow some friends in Hong Kong and Taiwan, and they often discuss what is happening in Hong Kong, and share pictures and videos. So I began to make a plan in September 2019. After that, I contacted a 3D printing company in mainland China, and then agreed on the production price, the material and size of the work. With all of these yellow splashes, they lose and destroy the functionality of each object through 3D printing. It turns into a symbol. These symbols not only represent what is happening in Hong Kong, including guns, tear gas, handcuffs and gas masks, but also cover the issues of gun sensitivity, terrorism and human rights persecution that exist around the world today. And in China, many activists are arrested and imprisoned every year. I commissioned the 3D printing company in China to make it, and I also wanted to convey the dependence of commodity production worldwide on the Chinese market and Chinese manufacturing today. The irony, then, is that China's authoritarian society has also created a crisis of universal values around the world. Like the Hong Kong problem, it's made in China. I was born in China, and as a Chinese identity, I used a Chinese factory to make a theme about Hong Kong, which was presented in Tokyo, and what that means is today's complex relationship between identity, international and venue.
素材:傘、3Dプリンター、紙屑、ペインティング、インターネットプロジェクト、⾳音声 -
Dimensions Variable
cumbrella installation,3D-printed ,scraps of paper,paintings,Internet project, voice -
- 44
Made in China,About HK
started to make this work preparations in August 2019. At the beginning, I just had an idea about the Hong Kong repatriation incident that happened in June at that time. Events are brewing. On the Internet, major media platforms are constantly reporting related matters. And I follow some friends in Hong Kong and Taiwan, and they often discuss what is happening in Hong Kong, and share pictures and videos. So I began to make a plan in September 2019. After that, I contacted a 3D printing company in mainland China, and then agreed on the production price, the material and size of the work. With all of these yellow splashes, they lose and destroy the functionality of each object through 3D printing. It turns into a symbol. These symbols not only represent what is happening in Hong Kong, including guns, tear gas, handcuffs and gas masks, but also cover the issues of gun sensitivity, terrorism and human rights persecution that exist around the world today. And in China, many activists are arrested and imprisoned every year. I commissioned the 3D printing company in China to make it, and I also wanted to convey the dependence of commodity production worldwide on the Chinese market and Chinese manufacturing today. The irony, then, is that China's authoritarian society has also created a crisis of universal values around the world. Like the Hong Kong problem, it's made in China. I was born in China, and as a Chinese identity, I used a Chinese factory to make a theme about Hong Kong, which was presented in Tokyo, and what that means is today's complex relationship between identity, international and venue.