アンコントローラブルな工業インク開発プロジェクト|Uncontrollable Ink Project
世の中に出回っている色は、 大量生産に適した安定的な色です。 もし、私たちが色に不安定さを受け入れたら、 あるいは、 色を選ぶのではなく、作るという行為が開かれたら、 私たちの表現や創作活動はどう変わるのでしょうか? そこで、グラフィックデザイナーであり採集家でForaged Colorsという採集インクのプロジェクトを実践している吉田勝信とともに、彼の活動を幅広い領域の方々に開く共同開発プロジェクトを 2023年4月から約2ヶ月間にわたり京都で実施しました。その中で、京都から土地の風土や文化に根付いたメディウムを世界に発信できないかと、漆に目をつけました。漆は日本で発展した接着剤・塗料であり、工芸における重要な素材です。一方で、工業印刷のインクに使われるメディウムは一般的に土地性や自然素材はあまり問われません。工芸と工業で問われる質は異なり、環境負荷の高い工業において、工芸のプロセスと繋ぐことで新たな質のあり方を探索できるのではないか。漆で工業インクのメディウムが作れるとしたら、工芸と工業のあり方をリフレーミングする新たな素材やツールになりうるのではないかと思い、4者共同企画として本プロジェクトを立ち上げました。
The colors available in the world are stable and suitable for mass production. What would happen to our expression and creative activities if we accepted instability in color, or if we open ourselves to the act of making rather than choosing colors? To answer this question, we have collaborated with Katsunobu Yoshida, a graphic designer and forager who practices the project called Foraged Colors, on a joint development project in Kyoto over a two-month period beginning in April 2023, to open his work to a wide range of audiences to explore more possibilities. In the course of this project, we turned our attention to lacquer as a medium that is rooted in the local climate and culture from Kyoto to the rest of the world. Urushi lacquer is an adhesive and paint that developed in Japan and is an important material for crafts. On the other hand, the mediums used for industrial printing inks are generally not as concerned with the quality of the land or natural materials. The “quality” required for crafts and industry is different, and we believe that a new quality can be explored by connecting the craft process with industry, which has a high environmental impact. If a medium for industrial ink could be made with Urushi lacquer, it could become a new material and tool for reframing the nature of crafts and industry, and this project was launched as a four-way joint project by Asakichi Tsutsumi Urushi Inc., YOSHIKATSU, Syubisya and SPCS. -
審査のポイントである3つのP(for People, for Planet, for Profit)について、あなたのプロジェクトや活動ではどのような取り組みをしていますか?
[For Prople] 大量生産ではない工業インクを開発し、土地に根付いた中量生産の素材の市場を作ることができたら、工業における付加価値の付け方を広げることができ、コストを抑えて大量生産で勝負する以外の価値基準を提示することになる。
[For Planet] 化学製品の大量生産は間違いなく環境負荷が高い。長持ちし、土地に循環させられる素材でインクを開発できたら環境負荷は下がる。
[For Profit] 市場の価値基準を変えていくことで、小規模生産事業者の参入機会が広がる。また、低迷している工芸市場の可能性を広げることになる。
[For Prople] If we can develop industrial inks that are not mass-produced and create a market for land-based, medium-volume materials, we can broaden the way we add value in industry and present a standard of value other than just keeping costs down and competing with mass production.
[For Planet] The mass production of chemical products definitely has a high environmental impact. If we can develop inks with materials that last longer and can be recycled on the land, the environmental impact will go down.
[For Profit] Changing the value standard of the market will expand opportunities for small-scale production businesses to enter the market. It would also expand the potential of the stagnant craft market. -
#Ink #Material #mid-scale
While existing industrialization pursues stability and versatility, as well as efficiency and scale, we do not think it has refined the construction of formats and processes to make the most of materials, culture, and techniques unique to a region or land. If we can create a market that connects industrial printing with Urushi lacquer, which is difficult to mass-produce and mass-consume in the first place, and requires techniques and circulation mechanisms that are rooted in the land, we believe we can show great potential for the future of the circulating market. -
This project is an activity that seeks to reconstruct the inevitability of the land. The approach to biodiversity and nature positive cannot be tackled through the development of products and materials that can be adapted to any land and that are stable in all climates. On the contrary, we are trying to find ways to connect the unique characteristics of local materials with modern values and lifestyles, or how to connect local techniques that have been lost behind mass production and technological innovation with modern technology, and how to construct a format that will foster values that can connect with our sense of happiness, such as a sense of exuberance and fulfillment. This project aims to address this major issue by connecting Urushi lacquer and industrial printing. We will tackle this issue by designing not only the ink itself, but also the process, format, and reframing the relationship between producers and users. -
【特別賞】 「新しいパートナーシップのデザイン」として、異業種間の連携や、生活者との共創、サプライチェーン内における役割の転換など、他者との新しい協働のかたちを実現しているか?
The collaboration began with professionals from completely different fields: Asakichi Tsutsumi Urushi Inc., which is active in the field of crafts; Syubisya, which handles industrial printing; and Katsunobu Yoshida, a graphic designer who edits the nature, culture, and technology of the land.
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Uncontrollable Ink Project
100年以上に渡って漆の文化を更新し続けてきた京都の堤淺吉漆店、全国のクリエイターの表現に多岐に渡る特殊印刷で応えてきた修美社、海や山から採集した素材で「色」をつくり、現代社会に実装することを目的としている「Foraged Colors」を運営する吉勝制作所、自然のアンコントローラビリティを探究するコミュニティ「SPCS」が共同でスタートした、工業用印刷インク開発プロジェクト。 不安定さを肯定的に受け入れるデザインで、新しい工業/工芸の形を探究しています。
A project started by Asakichi Tsutsumi Urushi Inc. in Kyoto, which has been renewing lacquer culture for more than 100 years; Syubisya, which has been responding to creators nationwide with a wide range of special printing services; and YOSHIKATSU, which operates “Foraged Colors” and aims to create “colors” with materials collected from the sea and mountains and implement them in modern society, SPCS, a community that explores the uncontrollability of nature to develop printing inks for industrial use. We explore new industrial uses and forms of craft in designs that embrace instability. Please contact us if you are interested in developing these inks and their potential uses with us.
堤淺吉漆店(Asakichi Tsutsumi Urushi Inc.)|https://www.tsutsumi-urushi.com/
100年以上に渡って漆の文化を更新し続けてきた京都の堤淺吉漆店、全国のクリエイターの表現に多岐に渡る特殊印刷で応えてきた修美社、海や山から採集した素材で「色」をつくり、現代社会に実装することを目的としている「Foraged Colors」を運営する吉勝制作所、自然のアンコントローラビリティを探究するコミュニティ「SPCS」が共同でスタートした、工業用印刷インク開発プロジェクト。 不安定さを肯定的に受け入れるデザインで、新しい工業/工芸の形を探究しています。
A project started by Asakichi Tsutsumi Urushi Inc. in Kyoto, which has been renewing lacquer culture for more than 100 years; Syubisya, which has been responding to creators nationwide with a wide range of special printing services; and YOSHIKATSU, which operates “Foraged Colors” and aims to create “colors” with materials collected from the sea and mountains and implement them in modern society, SPCS, a community that explores the uncontrollability of nature to develop printing inks for industrial use. We explore new industrial uses and forms of craft in designs that embrace instability. Please contact us if you are interested in developing these inks and their potential uses with us.
堤淺吉漆店(Asakichi Tsutsumi Urushi Inc.)|https://www.tsutsumi-urushi.com/