Digital business card to increase forests/森を増やすデジタル名刺
Business cards are one of the hurdles when starting a business. Making business cards requires knowledge and money. Furthermore, since business cards are made of paper, they also lead to a decrease in forests and an increase in CO2 emissions. I want to help people start a business and take action on environmental issues at the same time, and I want to foster a better society and I am putting my ideas into practice.
ビジネスを始める際に一つの壁となるのが名刺です。名刺を作るためには、知識や費用が必要になる。そして、名刺は紙でできているため、森林の減少にもつながり、CO2の排出量の増加にもつながります。ビジネスを始めるサポートと環境問題へのアクションを同時にでできて、素敵な社会を育みたいと考えアイデアを形にしています。 -
審査のポイントである3つのP(for People, for Planet, for Profit)について、あなたのプロジェクトや活動ではどのような取り組みをしていますか?
for People
for Planet
for Profit
ビジネスの成功した時点で成果報酬として、森林への寄付と利益を得るビジネスモデル。 -
#System #GX
By making it easy for anyone to create the business cards they need for business, more people will be able to play an active role in their local communities. We believe that as more people use business cards, local connections and environmental awareness will increase, creating a circular economy.
ビジネスに必要な名刺を誰もが簡単に作れるようになることで、地域社会の主体となれる人が増えていきます。ビジネス名刺を使う人達が増えることで地域でのつながりや環境意識も高くなり、循環経済が生まれていくと考えます。 -
Forests support many living things. Up until now, we have lived in an era where forests were being reduced, but I hope that from now on we will live in an era where humans grow together with forests and increase forests. By increasing connections through digital business cards, we hope to increase forests and create habitats for living creatures.
森林は多くの生き物を育みます。今までは森林を減らしていく時代でしたが、これからは人間が森林と共に育ち、森林を増やしていく時代になっていってほしいと願っています。デジタル名刺でつながりを増やしていくことで、森林を増やし、生物達の住処を作っていこうと考えています。 -
【特別賞】 「新しいパートナーシップのデザイン」として、異業種間の連携や、生活者との共創、サプライチェーン内における役割の転換など、他者との新しい協働のかたちを実現しているか?
People who are trying to start a new business will compete to preserve the forest when they are successful. We are also considering collaboration with NPOs involved in forest conservation.
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Digital business card to increase forests/森を増やすデジタル名刺
Currently, the amount of CO2 emitted by paper business cards consumed each year around the world is approximately 18.72 million tons. This is equivalent to approximately 1.5% of Japan's annual CO2 emissions.
``Digital Business Cards'', which increases forests, provides free business card design and homepage creation for people who want to start a business, and gives them a portion of the profits when their business gets off the ground. This is an idea that allows businesses to succeed and preserve forests at the same time by having them donate their funds to a fund to increase the number of forests.
``Digital Business Cards'', which increases forests, provides free business card design and homepage creation for people who want to start a business, and gives them a portion of the profits when their business gets off the ground. This is an idea that allows businesses to succeed and preserve forests at the same time by having them donate their funds to a fund to increase the number of forests.