モロッコを知ってもらいたい!羊革の端切れを使った商品ブランド We want people to know about Morocco! A brand of products using scraps of sheepskin leather
Daisy Days for Moroccoは、「遠い国への支援がしたい」という共通の志を持った仲間が集まり、昨年の4月に始動した。以前に青年海外協力隊としてモロッコで活動をされていた清水マヤさんから、モロッコの田舎に住む女性や障がいをもつ女性の雇用問題に関する生の情報を知ったことが、モロッコ支援活動のきっかけである。約1年間で、雇用支援を行う団体で働く女性たちの作る刺繍の商品を日本で委託販売をしたり、2023年モロッコ地震で甚大な被害を受けたマラケシュに拠点をもつ雇用支援団体のために街頭募金を行ったりした。
Daisy Days for Morocco was launched last April by a group of friends who shared a common desire to provide assistance to distant countries. They began their support activities in Morocco after learning firsthand about employment issues for women living in the countryside and women with disabilities from Maya Shimizu, who had previously worked in Morocco as a Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer (JOCV). In about a year, we sold embroidered products made by women working for an employment support organization on consignment in Japan and raised funds on the streets for an employment support organization based in Marrakech, which was severely damaged by the 2023 Moroccan earthquake.
Morocco is rated by international indicators as having challenges with gender equality, and we too believed that these challenges were causing employment problems for women. However, when we asked Ms. Shimizu about this, she told us that she did not feel any sense of discrimination, although there are clear “role differences” between men and women in terms of religion. We realized that we did not know much about the culture and religion of Morocco despite our previous support activities there, and at the same time, we realized that it is difficult for people living in Japan to obtain “accurate” information about a remote place. Therefore, before providing assistance, we decided to first conduct activities to “make people aware of real information that does not contain prejudice or bias.
We decided to develop and sell products that make use of sheepskin scraps that would otherwise be discarded in Morocco. -
審査のポイントである3つのP(for People, for Planet, for Profit)について、あなたのプロジェクトや活動ではどのような取り組みをしていますか?
for People・for Profitについては、モロッコから仕入れた羊革を材料とした商品にモロッコの文化や宗教に関する情報をのせるというアイデアはクリエイティブである。モロッコの国教であるイスラムには、犠牲祭という神様のために羊などの動物を殺し捧げる重要な儀式がある。モロッコの人々は動物の命への敬意を込めて、貧しい家庭に分け合いながらほとんど余すところなく羊をいただく。つまり、材料となる羊革の端切れそのものに、モロッコの人々の犠牲を無駄にしないという思いがある。よって羊革の端切れを使った商品販売は、循環型社会を謳う取り組みと、モロッコ支援につながる文化・宗教の発信という二つの側面をもつ社会貢献活動として評価することができる。そしてこの社会的取組は資源だけでなく、社会課題解決策の循環型社会を目指す一つのアイデアとして新しい価値を持つと考える。
for Planetについては、捨てられるはずだった羊革をアップサイクルしている。国境を超えた日本でモロッコの羊革の端切れが新たな価値をもつということは、グローバルな資源循環を表すため、世界にインスピレーションを与える取り組みであると同時に、環境に良い影響をもたらしていると言える。
As for “for People and for Profit,” the idea of putting information on Moroccan culture and religion on products made from sheepskin leather purchased from Morocco is creative. In Islam, which is the state religion of Morocco, there is an important ceremony called the Sacrificial Festival, in which animals such as sheep are killed and sacrificed to the gods. Moroccans take almost all of the sheepskin, sharing it with poor families out of respect for the animal's life. In other words, the scraps of sheepskin itself, the material used to make the products, are made with the intention of not wasting the sacrifices made by the Moroccan people. Thus, the sale of products made from sheepskin can be evaluated as a social contribution activity that has both aspects of advocating a recycling-oriented society and transmitting culture and religion to support Morocco. This social initiative has new value not only in terms of resources, but also as an idea for a recycling-oriented society as a solution to social issues.
For Planet, sheepskin that would otherwise be thrown away is upcycled. The fact that scraps of sheepskin from Morocco have new value in Japan, beyond national borders, is an initiative that inspires the world and has a positive impact on the environment, as it represents a global resource cycle. -
#Sheepskin leather #Religion #Upcycle
This project, in which scraps of sheepskin from sheep, which have deep ties to Morocco's food, clothing, and shelter, are turned into products in Japan and given new value, is an initiative that will inspire the world because it represents a global resource cycle. -
This project, in which scraps of Moroccan sheepskin that should have been discarded are turned into products in Japan, beyond national borders, and given new value, is an initiative that will inspire the world because it represents a global recycling of resources. -
【特別賞】 「教育とストーリーテリング」あなたの取り組みは、複雑なバイオエコノミーの概念をどのようにしてわかりやすく、そして魅力的にしていますか?(日英併記)
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Daisy Days for Morocco
私たちは日本の中高生に、遠く離れたモロッコの文化や宗教に関する正確な情報を知ってもらうことを目的に活動をしている。その方法として、現地から仕入れた羊革の端切れを使った商品の開発・販売を行っており、Daisy Days for Moroccoはこれらの商品のブランド名だ。
Daisy Days for Moroccoは、消費行動という身近なアクションを通じて、より多くの人がモロッコに関心を抱き、働きかける行動を自発的にとるきっかけを提供するブランドである。
Our goal is to provide Japanese junior high and high school students with accurate information about the religion & culture of faraway Morocco. As a way to do this, we are developing and selling products using sheepskin scraps purchased from the local market, and Daisy Days for Morocco is the brand name for these products.
Daisy Days for Morocco is a brand that provides an opportunity for more people to take interest in Morocco and voluntarily take action to promote the country through familiar actions such as consumption.
Daisy Days for Moroccoは、消費行動という身近なアクションを通じて、より多くの人がモロッコに関心を抱き、働きかける行動を自発的にとるきっかけを提供するブランドである。
Our goal is to provide Japanese junior high and high school students with accurate information about the religion & culture of faraway Morocco. As a way to do this, we are developing and selling products using sheepskin scraps purchased from the local market, and Daisy Days for Morocco is the brand name for these products.
Daisy Days for Morocco is a brand that provides an opportunity for more people to take interest in Morocco and voluntarily take action to promote the country through familiar actions such as consumption.