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Not Just Fruits But Trees

“Please note that the Apple logo cannot be cut with the laser cutter. Can you use it in your design?” - The phrase that had been stuck in my head for several days.

Designing laptop skin was easy but to incorporate an element not originally mine, felt like my creativity is being restricted. The Apple logo is literally an apple – the fruit, and nothing else. But what makes this apple recognizable, aside from its palpable bite, is because it gave face to Apple Inc. for years.

The company that innovates untiringly ways to make people’s lives easier. The company, which produced a number of useful creative applications. The company that helped the music industry a lot through the release of iTunes. The same company, which boosted the fast growth of animation industry by introducing us to 3d animation through Pixar.

My design concept came from how Mac has touched my life personally as an artist. Mac computers, as mentioned above, are very famous when it comes to creative art and design. And with MacBook Air, it is obvious that Apple never fail to adapt their consumer’s fast paced and ready-to-go modern lifestyle by unbelievably compressing everything we loved from Mac computers into a super lightweight aluminum unibody.

As a typography art fanatic, I came up with an idea of combining words and images into one layout to convey a powerful message. I wanted to show to the world how we all want every idea we come up with to produce successful results. Not just results but continuous results. Results and fruits mean the same idiomatically, and Apple is the perfect symbol to sum it all up.

In short:

Ideas that not only bear fruits but sprout new trees.
Hence, endlessly bear fruits.
Such bright ideas can be conceived through Mac computers.

