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Sankakkei | Buddha series

Product / Sculpture / Others
Sankakkei is a 3 dimensional geometric fractal puzzle, a customizable Art gift, a learning tool, or use the seeds (nodes) and rods to create your own designs. The user can rebuild the Sankakkei 3 dimensional geometric sculpture and learn more about the geometric forms and ratios based on sacred geometry.

The Sankakkei seed collection consists of 4 seeds which enables you to build the 5 platonic solids, the 5 basic forms Plato described in which every other form is derived. I used the Star Tetrahedron ‘seed’ (node) for my prototype, which enables you to build the Tetrahedron, Octahedron, Star Tetrahedron, Vector Equilibrium, Isotropic Vector Matrix, 64-Tetrahedron Cube and any other structure with tetrahedronal axis.

I designed the packaging in line with the geometry of the product, and translated the 3D-model into a 2D graphic (in multiple ways and meanings). The colors of the package are identical to the colors of the contents. The package designs are still prototypes, but I aim to create a stylized packaging to complete Sankakkei into an inspiring product/gift to share with others.


Creative appeal

Sankakkei –Japanese for triangle– is inspired by, and based on, sacred geometry. For everyone new to this subject, sacred geometry has nothing to do with religion in particular, but it’s called sacred, because it’s a kind of geometry which is universal. It’s as old as we know, Pythagoras and Plato have written about it, Leonardo da Vinci and Fibonacci studied it and Beethoven and Mozart used it in their music. It penetrates and connects all things in life.

Sacred geometry is the basis and essence of life itself – like a blueprint for everything (of all creation). It unifies every field of interest, and not only the different fields within a given field, which normally contradict each other, e.g. in science: the micro and the macro, from atom to planet, where the laws for our inner cosmos don’t apply to our outer cosmos. But also every other aspect of life, from geography to music, spirituality, religion, biology and even psychology.

Therefor the forms of the Sankakkei 3D geometric sculptures are related to many different fields of interest, and packaged with a stylized corresponding packaging, turns this product in a beautiful and inspiring gift.
