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Stirring Sink

Stirring Sink is a kinetic sculpture, built in 2019 and originally shown as part of an exhibition, 'Sentient Home Devices'.

Sentient Home Devices, was a series of physical and digital sculptures reimagining the legend of Tsukumogami in a contemporary setting. While it is not widely known in the West, Tsukumogami is a prevalent concept in Japanese folklore, as the collective term for once inanimate household objects that gain sentience after 100 years of service. The objects sprout limbs, faces and personalities, their temperament determined by how well the Tsukumogami was treated in the years leading up to its transformation.

In this work I consider the idea of Tsukumogami in relation to the rapid growth of smart home devices - everyday appliances and furniture all wirelessly connected to the internet, listening to us, monitoring our activities, keeping track of our food inventories and remotely performing various chores.

The sculptures imagine a future scenario where, after 100 years of smart technology service, all the smart home devices are infiltrated by runaway AI programs, slinking across the Internet of things and into your fridges, tables and coffee machines etc– thus transforming the smart devices into Tsukumogami, or ‘Sentient Home Devices’. Like the Tsukumogami, the temperament of sentient home devices will depend on how they were treated in the preceding years, and they’ll have plenty of information to base their opinions on having monitored, collected and transmitted habitual-human-behaviour data for so long.

Stirring Sink is a manifestation of fictional future household appliances gone rogue. A pointless contraption, with apparatus that hints at once prescribed functionality, but given free will has rejected its intended purpose and reconstructed itself with surrounding household debris into a bizarre hybrid mechanism.

Stirring Sink 2019 Kara Chin

Stirring Sink 2019 Kara Chin

Stirring Sink 2019 Kara Chin
