“ANACADE”, meaning ‘the boundary of a territory’ in Thai, is a 21st Century Skills educational online-to-offline (O2O) toolkit, which comprises five offline board games acting as skill practicing and assessment tools. Integrating gamification design into the online application, this O2O toolkit is designed to be an automated stand-alone facilitation tool used in classrooms without needing any instructors.
The essential skills in the 21st century are the ‘4C’ (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, and Collaboration) which allow us to think and do things effectively, based on a collection of researches around the world such as P21, World Economic Forum, and Cambridge Assessment. We design “ANACADE” by deconstructing these 4Cs to the core and ensure that every game mechanic is assembled from them. Those mechanics and game elements are generated to simulate the specific situation that leads players to perform the skills in the behavioral level. Using the four skill assessment tools integrated in the online application, the system can assess and evaluate players’ behaviors in each of the games accurately whether they have the essential skills or not and how much. Tracking each player in the game using ‘skill scores’, the system can illustrate how well students perform and can identify skill-gaps which further suggests teachers how to develop a personalized learning curriculum for their students in the future.
In short, “ANACADE” is a combination of O2O board games sophisticatedly designed using a learning design principle for assessing each “C” accurately.
Visit ANACADE website : http://anacade.baseplayhouse.co/
SAT, JUN 20, 2020 Updated

ANACADE - Game of 21st Century Skills

ANACADE in education event

Collaboration Game

Combination Game

Communication Game

Creativity Game

Critical Thinking Game

Online Application - In Game

Online Application - Skill Score

Prototyping with high school students