I started by defining the words “LEARN” and “PLAY” I think it’s not only limited to just kids or teenagers but it can also be beneficial in many ways for the adults, especially the elderly. The elderly is a large segment of the population in Asian countries with very high growth rate and COVID-19 significantly affected their daily lives.
The elderly used to spend time outside, using their energy and sharpen their minds through activities. But COVID-19 have caused them to stay at home most of the time which leads to lack of exercise and practice.
This game aims to help the elderly engage in their favourite hobbies which is to create arts subjects by using organising and planning skills to exercise their brains in a fun and engaging way. Moreover, the game integrates exercise movements in order to make them increase the use of the body while at home.
They will get artwork as a result which can be displayed in the house and share with their families :)
Please click the link below for demonstration video :
SAT, JUN 20, 2020 Updated

Poster & description

Game set

Organising & planning skills

Various difficulties to practice step by step

Arm extension & flexibility movement (Gain : hand-eye coordination, fine and gross motor skills)