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パクモンハンティング The ParkMon Hunting

● 私たちが向き合う社会課題

● ゲームの内容




● Social Issues We Face
We devised this game by facing the following three challenges;
1. In a world of increasing uncertainty, the ability to imagine is important, but education has made children feel as if what they imagine is "unfavorable" to them.
2. It must be fun being creative when you were little, but as growing up, many people lose confidence in being creative particularly in Japan.
3. In COVID-19, many children are frustrated because they can't go out to play

●The game description
There are many interesting possibilities in the world around us, but it is easy to get caught up in the narrow perspectives of our daily lives and it's easy to lose that kind of exploratory point of view. The goal of this game is to depict plants and flowers -"Parkmon" (monster in the park), that have a mysterious life style that only the player can imagine, using ordinary flowers and plants around him or her as a motif. You collect real plants and flowers around you and uncover your imaginary Parkmon form. With that in mind, we've named this game "Parkmon Hunting".

●How to play the game
The first time you play the game, you can proceed in the form of an offline or online workshop.
1. You will use the free downloadable playbook to prepare them to participate in the game. The playbook includes a sheet to prepare for plant collecting, the explanation of whole game, and a sheet for observing and imagining plants is available.
2. You go to a nearby park and collect plants and flowers that you like.
3. Students observe the plants and flowers they brought home on the observation sheet and discover the characteristics of the plants that they had not noticed before.
4. Using your observations as a clue, you can imagine a new mode of life of the plant that only you have discovered that no one else knows about. You can also refer to the "imaginary points" in the playbook.
5. Once you have an overall picture of your own imaginary plant, the last thing you need to do is give it a name - "Parkmon" is born.
6. Show off your Parkmon with other players who have participated in the game. Listening to other players' questions and opinions will help you deepen your Parkmon world and help you grow into a stronger Parkmon.
7. We will collect the Parkmon that we have created in this way and make our own Parkumon illustrated book. Even after the workshop is over, you can continue to enjoy Parkmon hunting by yourself and making your own Pakmon book, and you can also spread your Parkmon through SNS.

●Target Age
Participants are not limited to children, so people of all ages can enjoy this event together. Adults are amazed at the imagination of children, and children get to see a different side of adults. (The target age range is first grade of elementary school students and above, and especially parent and child participation is recommended for younger children.

We have held five workshops in two months, April-May 2020, with a total of about 100 people attending.In addition, there have been participants from Japan and other countries, and they can experience the differences in the plants that grow in each region.

概要 Overview

課題の着眼点 The focused issues

遊び方 How to play

結果 Our achievements
