• 23


バイオ / 美術

Theme: 「A world seen from the vanishing voices」(亡びゆく言語から見る世界)

There are about 7,000 languages spoken in the world today.


 Language is like a window through which we can see the world, which is necessary to understand the world and shape ourselves. However, in this day and age, globalization and the need to understand the world from the perspective of the local culture is becoming increasingly important.

However, due to globalization and digitalization, language has become a mere tool for communication, and as a result of the unification of the majority language in terms of economic value to measure the efficiency of communication in society, about 2,500 languages are in danger of disappearing.

A language is a web of intellectual systems that have been created and built by generations of people since long ago, and into which is sewn the rich human wisdom that has been uniquely formed in that particular land and culture.
In other words, the loss of linguistic diversity is not just the loss of vocabulary, but the complete loss of human diversity, the way we literally understand and express the world.

Once the window that has been created over so many years is closed, it will never be opened again.
If all languages were unified, it might be easier to connect with people than now.
But to perceive and judge the world with only one set of values, that is something that a machine can do. Looking at the various windows in the world and understanding the world through them is the proof that we are human.

I think it is important to listen to and protect the languages that are disappearing so that we do not forget to place value on things we cannot see.

Before all the windows close.



Rust dyeing, snow bleaching, knitting, sewing
