Short Review Awards ―"Pratthana - A Portrait of Possession"

"Pratthana" is looking forward to your review.

Closed WED, JUN 26, 2019 - MON, JUL 08, 2019

Share your thoughts on "Pratthana"

We are seeking your impressions of the theater performance "Pratthana – A Portrait of Possession.

" The staff will select the top review from the impressions left on Twitter and in the Impressions Box (located in the lobby) during the performance. The selected person will receive a "Pratthana" related book. Write down your feelings after the show and send them to the production team. We look forward to your feedback!

Two ways to participate

1. Post on Twitter

Post your impressions of "Pratthana." If it cannot fit within 140 characters, you can post it in a thread format.

*The top pick will be selected only from public tweets.

*We may contact you via DM to send the present.

 precog Twitter:

2. Leave a letter in the Impressions Box

Fill out the special form with your impressions and submit it to the Impressions Box located in the lobby.

*The contents may be publicized to introduce the top pick.

*If you would like to have the present sent to you, please fill in your name and address.

2018 August Bangkok Performance / Footage: Sopanat Somkhanngoen

2018 August Bangkok Performance / Footage: Sopanat Somkhanngoen

Venue Location

Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, Theatre East



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