We are issuing a call for texts of reviews that answer the question: "In what ways does "Pratthana - Portrait of Possession" (the play or the novel titled "Silhouette of Desire" in English) tell "our story"?
We are seeking reviews of the play and original novel on which the play is based that take up the aspects of art history, performing arts history, social history, political history, etc.
The winning text(s) will be translated into Japanese and posted as (a) special feature article(s) in both English and Japanese on the website of the Japan Foundation Asia Center, for viewing by people around the world. We are eagerly waiting to read your review!
Text languages: English
Approximate length: 2,700 English words
We accept only texts that have not been published in any other medium.
We are also issuing a call for Japanese reviews. If you are interested in submitting a review in Japanese, please see here.
The Japanese translation of the novel on which the play is based (by Uthis Haemamool, translated by Sho Fukutomi, slated for publication by Kawade Shobo Shinsha in June). Details
About Prize
The Japan Foundation Asia Center Award https://jfac.jp/en/
The Japan Foundation is Japan's principal institution dedicated to carrying out comprehensive international cultural exchange programs throughout the world. The Asia Center, established within the Japan Foundation in April 2014, is a specialized unit with the goal to connect people, expand networks, and develop cultural programs across Asia. As the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics lie ahead in 2020, through projects in such diverse fields as music, theater, film, sports, Japanese language education and other academic exchanges, the Asia Center, in cooperation with the Foundation's overseas offices, pursues and supports various forms of activities between Asian communities.
日米現代演劇、パフォーマンス研究、学習院女子大学 国際文化交流学部教授。1957年京都生まれ。東京大学大学院人文科学研究科修士課程修了(米文学)。学術博士(2001)。2017年まで東京大学大学院総合文化研究科教授(表象文化論)。主な著書に『「J 演劇」の場所―トランスナショナルな移動性(モビリティ)へ』(東京大学出版会、2016 年)など。