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manual NC plotter

manual NC plotterは、比喩的には音ではなく絵を再現するオルゴール、正確には数値制御であるものの手動で動かす必要があるプロッターです。その動きを定義するビット(0か1のデータ)は電気信号ではなく歯車によって表されています。この機械は、歯がある部分とない部分を持つラックギア(棒状の歯車)をNCデータとして使います。歯がある部分を1、ない部分を0とし、歯がある部分では次のギアに動力が伝わり、ない部分では伝わらないことを利用して、最終的にペンのXY軸方向の動きを制御します。

Manual NC plotter is a music box which produces drawings metaphorically or, accurately, a plotter which is numerically controlled but you need to make it work manually and bits(data of 0 or 1) defining whose plotting movements are represented by gears, not electrical signals. Rack gears(straight gears), or its NC data, have geared portions and non-geared portions and they are 1 and 0, respectively. The final pen movement in the directions of X and Y is controlled with a mechanism that geared portions convey power to the next gear and non-geared portions don’t.
You can use its application software which generates vector data of rack gears according to your arbitrary drawings. You laser-cut the rack gears and insert them into the plotter and rotate its handle then the plotter draws your drawing on a paper.
This machine helps us to understand, by hand, how information is translated into bits and how bits are translated into real things, and what ‘digital’ actually means.
