A New Approach to Circulatory Rehabilitation for Environmental Challenges in the Medical Field
I have been focusing on the amount of food loss and disposable diaper waste as environmental issues in the medical field. Various attempts have been made so far, but few have been sustained. On the other hand, in rehabilitation hospitals that aim to help the elderly and disabled reintegrate into society and participate in society, the challenge is that there are few places and environments in Japan that can encourage patients to participate in society after they leave the hospital. Therefore, we will intervene against environmental burdens by collaborating with different industries, such as preparing compost using resources such as food scraps and diapers, and having local farmers use it, or growing crops on the hospital grounds. In addition, the work required for this process will be a means of rehabilitation for hospitalized patients, which will enable the creation of new business partnerships on the economic front and have a positive impact on the well-being and health of the disabled and elderly.
In the medical field, it is important to link the therapeutic aspects of the physical and psychological treatment of patients with work on the environment in order to consider sustainability. -
・そのため、まだアイデア段階ではあるものの、こうした取り組みに意味があるのか、専門家の方からの意見を頂き、今後のプロジェクトを推進していきたい。 -
・Hospitals have very little regard for sustainability and the environment.
・While we have made attempts to address food loss, these efforts have not been sustained due to the demands of daily operations.
・Since rehabilitation aims for the patient's participation in society and reintegration into society, we thought that turning our attempts at environmental rehabilitation into patient rehabilitation itself would lead to a sustainable approach.
・Specifically, as a rehabilitation practice, compost will be prepared from the hospital's kitchen waste and disposable diapers and used by local farmers. In return, they will grow crops jointly with the farmers, use them for hospital food, and hold farmers' markets on the hospital grounds.
・Economic benefits include reduced food purchasing and waste collection costs, additional benefits from reduced hospital stays, and reduced employment recruitment costs from providing new rehabilitation services.Reduction in employment recruitment costs due to the provision of new rehabilitation services.
・Environmental regeneration could include tree regeneration through the use of fully ripe compost, the spread of agriculture that does not rely on pesticides, and the fixed price of carbon dioxide through the reduction of food loss.
・Improvements in people's well-being may include improvements in the physical and psychological functions of patients, increased work motivation of healthcare workers, and increased satisfaction of people through the activation of regional networks.
・On the other hand, co-creation with many experts will be essential in the future to turn food waste and diapers in hospitals into compost. And the biggest challenge is that even if we talk to the management companies in the medical field, they often do not show understanding.
・Therefore, although we are still in the idea stage, we would like to get opinions from experts on whether these efforts are meaningful and promote the project in the future. -
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