Work Title
Homeostasis Lab
Work Title(EN)
Homeostasis Lab
Please describe the concept of your artwork in 2000 words.
Please describe the concept of your artwork in 2000 words. (EN)
Homeostasis lab is a democratic virtual cultural space. A website that is a collective work of art and experience in constant change. We count on the collaboration of artists and researchers from all over the world to constitute a living archive in constant mutation. The platform allows the sharing of works of art and the construction of thematic exhibitions. In parallel, we promote physical and virtual exhibitions, courses, workshops and artistic residencies, with the purpose of educating the artist with a critical eye and through the educational offer of the available tools and languages of digital art. The project started as an experiment and over time has turned into something that is a hybrid space between a digital museum and a work of art, we are still trying to understand what it is exactly because the digital idea is constantly being reformulated. Just like a living organism, we adapt to the moment in search of resilience through the process of homeostasis.
Work Specification
Digital art exhibition. Virtual cultural space.
Website. -
Work Specification(EN)
Digital art exhibition. Virtual cultural space.
Website. -
Media CoverageURL
Video URL
Your OfficialURL (Website, Instagram, Facebook)
Please describe how your work relates to the theme of the special prize.
The Homeostasis Lab is a democratic datapool for digital arts. We encourage artistic production in the digital field through the production of physical and virtual exhibitions, artistic residencies, courses, lectures and workshops. The intention is to spread knowledge and educate people to think critically about the context of art produced in digital media and its impacts on society. Since 2013 we have carried out several actions and we are always seeking to expand our practices by observing the paths that art takes in a critical and punctual way. In the year 2022 there will be a new call for artists and at every moment we are implementing new features in our platform to foster production and encourage artists to experiment with new languages.
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Homeostasis Lab
The Homeostasis Lab is a democratic virtual platform dedicated to mapping, cataloging, researching and exhibiting digital art on the internet. Since 2013, the lab is run by a collaborative open-system network of artists, programmers, curators and researchers from all over the world. It offers a current and ongoing reflection on behaviors and concepts arising from the relationship between mankind and technology, and its impact on aesthetics, culture, and society.
Media coverage
Guilherme A. F. Brandão Fonseca
born in São Paulo, Brazil in 1982. He holds a Master's in Arts and Architecture Critics from the Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal under the supervision of Doc Jacinto Teias Lageira and a Bachelor from the Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado FAAP, São Paulo Brazill.
His primary research is in the field of digital media with a special focus on critical media theory, curating and preserving ephemeral and internet-based art . Since 2013 he has been curator and developer of the internet art exhibition platform Homeostasis Lab for The Wrong New Digital Art Biennale and has done talks and presentations on the topics of internet art at Museu da Imagem e do Som MIS - SP, Centro Cultural São Paulo, Semana de Artes da Faculdade de Belas Arets de São Paulo , EBANX (Curitiba), Casa de Portugal (São Paulo) He is a member of The Wrong Council 2019/20 .
Guilherme Augusto Fernandes Brandão Fonseca
Julia Borges Araña
Media coverage
Guilherme A. F. Brandão Fonseca
born in São Paulo, Brazil in 1982. He holds a Master's in Arts and Architecture Critics from the Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal under the supervision of Doc Jacinto Teias Lageira and a Bachelor from the Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado FAAP, São Paulo Brazill.
His primary research is in the field of digital media with a special focus on critical media theory, curating and preserving ephemeral and internet-based art . Since 2013 he has been curator and developer of the internet art exhibition platform Homeostasis Lab for The Wrong New Digital Art Biennale and has done talks and presentations on the topics of internet art at Museu da Imagem e do Som MIS - SP, Centro Cultural São Paulo, Semana de Artes da Faculdade de Belas Arets de São Paulo , EBANX (Curitiba), Casa de Portugal (São Paulo) He is a member of The Wrong Council 2019/20 .
Guilherme Augusto Fernandes Brandão Fonseca
Julia Borges Araña