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Laboratorio de Ecologías Invisibles

Engineering / Fine Art / Sound / Social / Others
Founded in 2018, the Laboratory of Invisible Ecologies invites us to move our perception of time and space towards those millenary geobiological ones. An attempt to put in intimacy the reflection on our current environmental crisis from experimentation, poetics and indiscipline between art, science and technology. Putting in dialogue speculative thinking, radical imagination, earth acupuncture and emerging technologies we are motivated by a quest to recognize the terrestrial sphere as a great moving agent of geo-power and potentiality. An entity of vitality, emergence, with multispecies intelligence and interspecies affectivity that, from a quantum level, embraces all that is human and non-human.

While our relationships with the Earth are mediated by technologies and techniques of visualization, sonification, calculation, mapping, prediction, simulation, among others, it is through these means that we can also grasp the Earth as a cognitive being threaded by an infinity of affective relationships between matter and the immaterial. The complex and delicate intra-actions and geological and biological interconnections on a planetary and cosmic scale that emerge, sob and urge us day by day, reveal themselves in this humanitarian and planetary crisis as agents of affections and unexpected effects, possessing another and strange vitality. They reveal themselves to us as portals of a long narrative of cohabitation between territories, their forms and beings. Through new stories about stone, fire, wind and water, we slowly attend to the ethical ties that ally us with that impossible and currently ruined, but absolutely essential convergence of restless elements that is the world.

One of the main objectives of this nomadic project of (de-)formation and artistic creation is the exploration of possible agencies of natural phenomena, mapping the invisible ecologies between the territories and their inhabitants from the development of low-cost technologies and free hardware and software. Thus, this laboratory takes the form of workshops, collective interventions in the territory, construction of interfaces, field practices and land acupuncture exercises that allow us to reflect and reconstruct our imaginaries and habits towards the living and nature from a critical and active thinking.
