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M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY 主催 イタリアのミラノとスペインのカナリア諸島で開催された ADRENOCROMO FOR DINNER 2022展に作品出展

CG / Fine Art / Graphic
M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY 主催、イタリアのミラノとスペインのカナリア諸島で開催された ADRENOCROMO FOR DINNER 2022展に作品を出展いたしました。

I exhibited two pieces of artwork at ADRENOCROMO FOR DINNER 2022, which was held in Milan, Italy, and the Canary Islands, Spain, hosted by M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY.


International Contemporary Art exhibition
November, 28th - December, 4th 2022
Milan, Italy and Islas Canarias, Spain

Organized by M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY
Curated by M. Matilde Della Pina


Artworks on display:

Title of work: Moirai / 運命の肖像
Year of creation: Dec 2020
Dimensions: 136 x 136 cm (Height x Width)
Medium: Digital Media
Technique: Photo collage

Title of work: Division / 孤独
Year of creation: Dec 2019
Dimensions: 85 x 92 cm (Height x Width)
Medium: Digital Media
Technique: Photo collage


Introduction written by M. Matilde Della Pina (Japanese translation):

グラフィックデザイン、スマートフォンアプリ開発、インタラクティブムービー制作、ウェブサイト制作など、幅広い活動を展開するアーティスト 廣川政樹。今回の ADRENOCROMO for dinner展では、二枚のデジタルアートを展示します。

一枚目の「Division / 孤独」には、薄い岩の上に横たわる下着姿の女性が描かれています。夕暮れ時なのか、ピンクやオレンジに染まった曇り空の中に、ゆったりとした夢見心地の女性が横たわり、より幻想的な雰囲気を醸し出しています。廣川政樹の作品に共通することですが、シンプルでありながら幽玄なイメージには常に深い意味があり、観る者に鋭い考察を促すものです。『孤独は生まれた時から存在し、私たちの生涯に当然の如く寄り添うものです。そもそも人類は、分離感なしには存在し得ません。しかし五感を捨て、魂が宇宙に解き放たれるとそれは消え去ります』神様は私たちに『自分』という自然から分離されたパーソナリティを与えてくださいました。自分を取り巻く感情のシグナルから多くの物事を学び終えてこの地上を去る時、その記憶を天にお還しする。それこそが私たちの役割なのかもしれません。苦悩は人間が作り出した幻であり、人々の間に生じる一体感や、一瞬のうちに感じる魂の平安こそが真実なのです。

二枚目の作品「Moirai / 運命の肖像」は、ギリシャ神話の三姉妹をモチーフに制作されました。この作品では、まるで夢見るような三人の乙女を描いています。過去、現在、未来という概念もまた、人間の作り出した幻です。時間の流れは地続きではなく断片的なものでしかありません。精神は時間の概念的側面を俯瞰し、肉体は限られた寿命の中で時の流れに身を委ね、魂はそれら共存する両者の相互作用を管理するものです。例え運命の行く末を予測できたとしても、大きな河の流れに対して抵抗は意味をなしません。魂と完全に同化し運命の舵を切ることは本来、人間には禁じられている行為なのです。その試みには、宇宙の法則に則って相応の代償を伴います。しかし人類は、この世界を幸福へ導くこと、そして何よりも自分自身を幸福にすることを約束し生まれて来ました。時にそれが信じられなくなることもあるかもしれません。神を恨むこともあるでしょう。それでも太陽の光はいつもこの星に降り注ぎ、月は静かに夜の闇を照らし、大地には有り余る富があります。



Concept by Art Curator Francesca Brunello:

Adrenochrome is a substance derived from the oxidation of adrenaline, which is used medically to treat epileptics or as a hemostat for capillary bleeding. When humans are under particular stress, they physiologically produce small doses of adrenochrome as a result of adrenaline release, which degrades into adrenochrome after it has performed its function. This compound has been and continues to be known as the secret drug of the Illuminati, bringing with it a thick aura of mystery and a wealth of fascinating and grotesque tales. It is said to have the ability to rejuvenate those who take it, as well as releasing psychedelic effects similar to those of LSD, making it highly sought after by the powerful elite. Several writers and directors have made this compound the red thread of their stories. For example, adrenochrome entered the mass culture thanks to Hunter S. Thompson and his most famous book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1971), which inspired Terry Gilliam to produce a film with the same name in 1998. In the famous scene, Johnny Depp asks his friend «What is this shit?» and his friend replies «that stuff?... Makes pure mescaline seem like ginger beer, man. Adrenochrome», «Adrenochrome? Hmm». A scene of pure psychedelic delirium ensues, where the actor falls under a powerful hallucinogenic effect. Despite its name, this substance has nothing to do with chrome, but indicates a relationship with color, as pure adrenochrome is characterized by an intense purple. Purple carries a very deep meaning, as a symbol of metamorphosis, transition and spirituality. Derived from the union of two primary colors, red and blue, this color expresses a conciliation between the extroversion of the former and the introverted receptivity of the latter, alluding to a harmony between opposites. It is the color of contemplation, of the union between the human and the divine, between heaven and earth. For M.A.D.S. Art Gallery, the idea of consuming this substance during an evening meal, becomes an opportunity for union and mutual sharing in which Art takes on a totalizing role. It is a moment in which artists can feel free to show their deepest impulses, accompanying us to experience the intimacy that characterizes the creative act. Art for M.A.D.S. Art Gallery becomes adrenochrome, a mysterious and powerful substance capable of leading man towards new universes, raising his consciousness and intensifying his understanding of the world. A magnificent distillation of cognitive experiences, creativity and mysticism, which allows whoever uses it to see through new, purer and freer eyes. The artist, therefore, becomes the mediator between the human and the divine world, the one who manages to translate what he experiences into new languages, giving life to containers of emotions and wonder. He is the fusion of red and blue, the point of contact, the tear in the veil, the magnifying glass on the world, the pure adrenochrome. M.A.D.S. Art Gallery, on the occasion of the exhibition "ADRENOCROMO for dinner", therefore asks the artists to share their deep inner drives through their creations, making us participants in experiences otherwise unknown and impossible to explore, to make us taste their art essence.
