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国際アートコンペティション A'Design Award & Competition 2022 - 2023年 写真・フォトマニピュレーションデザイン賞部門にて Golden Design Award 受賞
国際アートコンペティション A'Design Award & Competition 2022 - 2023年 写真・フォトマニピュレーションデザイン賞部門にて、作品「The Justice of Equality / 平和」が Golden Design Award を受賞いたしました。大変名誉な機会をいただき、心より感謝いたします。
In the Photography and Photo Manipulation Design Award Category of the international art competition A'Design Award & Competition, my artwork "Peace" has received the Golden Design Award. This competition was held in commemoration of world peace. I am deeply grateful for this truly honorable opportunity and would like to express my heartfelt appreciation.
Photography and Photo Manipulation Design Award Category, 2022 - 2023
Golden Design Award Winner
A'Design Award & Competition
The design concepts conveyed by this collage are Equilibrium and Harmony. Each of the hands around the woman amplify the presence of the others, and the design falls to pieces if any of the hands are missing or placed with poor balance. The woman and the multiple hands around her have been conceived as an integrated design that signifies the manifestation of a higher being who will bring peace to the world. Drawing inspiration from the hope for love, harmony, and peace among humankind, this work gives form to a design hierarchy based on equality, as its title suggests.
Research Abstract:
My research falls under the category of visual representation and aims to nourish the minds of people, not only through material enrichment, but through peace of mind also. The number one objective of this collage is to provide peace of mind to the viewer, and how it does so is extremely difficult to capture in words, as it differs from other artwork in that over 90% of it is based on inspiration. The inspiration is of the sort that is called forth from the external environment and originates from the superego in the world of physics and from supernatural entities in the spiritual world. This collage comprehensively represents all core systems that allow human existence to prosper, including business, society, ideologies, and culture. It was created with the purpose of manifesting a god that brings peace to this world through thoughts that are based on Japanese Buddhist teachings.
The Creative / Research Challenge:
Since this collage features many source materials, I carefully edited each material individually by adjusting their brightness and colors to create a sense of coherence. I endlessly repeated the process of trial and error to make these adjustments, because even the slightest error in placement or the angle of the arm would throw everything off. I had a desire to put my heart and soul into this collage so that it would provide peace of mind to the viewer.
Unique Properties / Project Description:
The Japanese title of this work is "Peace," and as the title suggests, it was created with a wish for peace. The woman and the multiple hands around her have been conceived as an integrated design that signifies the manifestation of a higher being who will bring peace to the world. Drawing inspiration from the hope for love, harmony, and peace among humankind, this work gives form to a design hierarchy based on equality, as its title suggests.
Operation / Flow / Interaction:
This is a collage of five hands placed around a woman. Given that each source material differs in size, brightness, and color from the others, each hand has been edited individually to create a sense of coherence. Furthermore, gold makeup has been applied, while each of the accessories has also been edited elaborately.
Production Realization Technology (and Materials):
First, I edited each of the source materials separately in Adobe Lightroom and made a collage in Adobe Photoshop. Next, I added and corrected glow effects and brought everything together into a single image. I applied makeup and made edits while retouching everything again from scratch in Adobe Photoshop. Although the dimensions of the actual image are slightly larger than A1 in size, the total file size came out to 15GB because it contains over 200 layers. Most processes were carried out using brushes, and there was a particular attention to detail with regard to adjustments to the brightness and colors also. Each of the source materials in this collage are placed with precision down to the pixel and edited elaborately so that they come together and form a single person.
まず Adobe Lightroomで全ての素材を別々に加工し、Adobe Photoshopでコラージュを行った。次に光彩表現の付与と補正を行い、それを1枚の画像に統合。再び Adobe Photoshopで最初からレタッチしながら、メイクアップと加工を施している。実際の画像の寸法はA1より少し大きい程度だが、200枚以上のレイヤーを重ねているため、総ファイルサイズ15GBにも及んだ。殆どの作業はブラシで行われており、調光や調色などの補正に関しても特に繊細に行われている。今回の作品では、元々が一人の人物に見えるように、各素材を1ドット単位で配置を行い、入念に加工が施されている。
Award-winning works:
The Justice of Equality / 平和
Jun 2020 / 69 x 83 cm (Height x Width)
The Japanese title of this artwork is "Peace," and as such a title would suggest, it was created in the hopes for peace. All human beings are equal, and all lives have value. Regardless of country, language, skin color, or whether one is rich or poor, all lives are sacred, precious and irreplaceable. Whether one is a great scholar, or a sinner, whether good or bad, all are born onto this earth equally blessed by God. There is not a single life in this world that has been lost in vain.
In the Photography and Photo Manipulation Design Award Category of the international art competition A'Design Award & Competition, my artwork "Peace" has received the Golden Design Award. This competition was held in commemoration of world peace. I am deeply grateful for this truly honorable opportunity and would like to express my heartfelt appreciation.
Photography and Photo Manipulation Design Award Category, 2022 - 2023
Golden Design Award Winner
A'Design Award & Competition
The design concepts conveyed by this collage are Equilibrium and Harmony. Each of the hands around the woman amplify the presence of the others, and the design falls to pieces if any of the hands are missing or placed with poor balance. The woman and the multiple hands around her have been conceived as an integrated design that signifies the manifestation of a higher being who will bring peace to the world. Drawing inspiration from the hope for love, harmony, and peace among humankind, this work gives form to a design hierarchy based on equality, as its title suggests.
Research Abstract:
My research falls under the category of visual representation and aims to nourish the minds of people, not only through material enrichment, but through peace of mind also. The number one objective of this collage is to provide peace of mind to the viewer, and how it does so is extremely difficult to capture in words, as it differs from other artwork in that over 90% of it is based on inspiration. The inspiration is of the sort that is called forth from the external environment and originates from the superego in the world of physics and from supernatural entities in the spiritual world. This collage comprehensively represents all core systems that allow human existence to prosper, including business, society, ideologies, and culture. It was created with the purpose of manifesting a god that brings peace to this world through thoughts that are based on Japanese Buddhist teachings.
The Creative / Research Challenge:
Since this collage features many source materials, I carefully edited each material individually by adjusting their brightness and colors to create a sense of coherence. I endlessly repeated the process of trial and error to make these adjustments, because even the slightest error in placement or the angle of the arm would throw everything off. I had a desire to put my heart and soul into this collage so that it would provide peace of mind to the viewer.
Unique Properties / Project Description:
The Japanese title of this work is "Peace," and as the title suggests, it was created with a wish for peace. The woman and the multiple hands around her have been conceived as an integrated design that signifies the manifestation of a higher being who will bring peace to the world. Drawing inspiration from the hope for love, harmony, and peace among humankind, this work gives form to a design hierarchy based on equality, as its title suggests.
Operation / Flow / Interaction:
This is a collage of five hands placed around a woman. Given that each source material differs in size, brightness, and color from the others, each hand has been edited individually to create a sense of coherence. Furthermore, gold makeup has been applied, while each of the accessories has also been edited elaborately.
Production Realization Technology (and Materials):
First, I edited each of the source materials separately in Adobe Lightroom and made a collage in Adobe Photoshop. Next, I added and corrected glow effects and brought everything together into a single image. I applied makeup and made edits while retouching everything again from scratch in Adobe Photoshop. Although the dimensions of the actual image are slightly larger than A1 in size, the total file size came out to 15GB because it contains over 200 layers. Most processes were carried out using brushes, and there was a particular attention to detail with regard to adjustments to the brightness and colors also. Each of the source materials in this collage are placed with precision down to the pixel and edited elaborately so that they come together and form a single person.
まず Adobe Lightroomで全ての素材を別々に加工し、Adobe Photoshopでコラージュを行った。次に光彩表現の付与と補正を行い、それを1枚の画像に統合。再び Adobe Photoshopで最初からレタッチしながら、メイクアップと加工を施している。実際の画像の寸法はA1より少し大きい程度だが、200枚以上のレイヤーを重ねているため、総ファイルサイズ15GBにも及んだ。殆どの作業はブラシで行われており、調光や調色などの補正に関しても特に繊細に行われている。今回の作品では、元々が一人の人物に見えるように、各素材を1ドット単位で配置を行い、入念に加工が施されている。
Award-winning works:
The Justice of Equality / 平和
Jun 2020 / 69 x 83 cm (Height x Width)
The Japanese title of this artwork is "Peace," and as such a title would suggest, it was created in the hopes for peace. All human beings are equal, and all lives have value. Regardless of country, language, skin color, or whether one is rich or poor, all lives are sacred, precious and irreplaceable. Whether one is a great scholar, or a sinner, whether good or bad, all are born onto this earth equally blessed by God. There is not a single life in this world that has been lost in vain.