ApuliaAste 主催、イタリアのレガ・ナヴァーレ・イタリアーナ・マテーラ支部: マグナ・グラエシアで開催された RenovArt | Flowing Identities展に作品を出展いたしました。
RenovArt は国内外の最高の芸術的才能に捧げるキュレーションプロジェクトで、美術史家の Carmela Loiacono氏により、国内外のアーティストの再生と奨励の証として、現代美術の発展および知識の向上のため開催されました。
I showed artworks at the RenovArt | Flowing Identities exhibition, hosted by ApuliaAste, and held at the Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera - Magna Grecia, in Matera, Italy.
RenovArt is a curation project dedicated to gathering the greatest artistic talent, domestic and worldwide. Thanks to the efforts of the art historian Carmela Loiacono, this project is held to advance the development of modern art and enhance knowledge, as demonstrated through the regeneration and promotion of homegrown and international artists.
At this enormous turning point for this era, our generation must build a foundation where life can proceed in peace and happiness, where the children who will give birth to our future can grow up together with blessed joy.
I am proud to be invited from Japan and given the opportunity to participate in this honored exhibition. For that, I give my most heartfelt thanks.
RenovArt | Flowing Identities
Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera - Magna Grecia in Matera
March 1st - 22th, 2023
ApuliaAste, in collaboration with Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera - Magna Grecia, is glad to announce Flowing Identities, the 5th event of RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future, curated by Art Historian Carmela Loiacono, that will be hosted in Matera at Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera - Magna Grecia, from March 01 to March 22, 2023.
Flowing Identities is a itinerant exhibition based on the fluidity of life, compared to the flow of a river, as like a primary source of existence, symbol of rebirth and purification. Water is a liquid element, adaptable, receptive, able to shape the territory, as well as the experiences of daily life characterize the personality of the human being. The exhibition allows anyone to approach the world of Contemporary Art with a broader and fluid vision, able to understand every facet of the artworks, as a result of thoughts, emotions, moods and experiences of artists presented in a place where there is a strong connection between water and land.
Ann-Brit Christoffersen, Norway | Małgorzata Czerniawska, Poland
Julie Hammonds, UK | Masaki Hirokawa, Japan
Hans Johansson, Sweden
Rebeccah Klodt, USA | Celine Kobierzynski, Belgium
Janni Nyby, Denmark | Bice Perrini, Italy
Greta Schnall, Germany | Pu Wei, China
Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera – Magna Grecia, via Fiorentini 107 - 75100, Matera, Italy
March 01 - 22, 2023 | 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM e 5:00 PM - 7:00PM | From Tuesday to Sunday | ENTRY FREE
Artworks on display:
Kuan Yin Bodhisattva / 救世菩薩
Dec 2020 / 100 x 100 cm
This artwork was created as a prayer to the Buddhist Kannon Bodhisattva (Bosatsu) for peace to come to the hearts of humankind. Buddhism exists in a realm which transcends philosophy and science, and the gods and Buddha exist beyond time and space. Rather than describe this artwork as being imbued with a prayer, I say that I created it from a single, pure wish, a prayer that the Bodhisattva could manifest within this world.
Karma / 業
Sep 2021 / 100 x 100 cm
The depth of human karma, the amount of things we learn every day, and the burden we carry on our own shoulders are unbearable, but we can only look at the darkness under our feet and move forward, one step at a time.
TUE, MAR 07, 2023 Updated

Exhibition Venue 1 - RenovArt | Flowing Identities - ApuliaAste - Masaki Hirokawa / 廣川政樹

Exhibition Venue 2 - RenovArt | Flowing Identities - ApuliaAste - Masaki Hirokawa / 廣川政樹

Exhibition Venue 3 - RenovArt | Flowing Identities - ApuliaAste - Masaki Hirokawa / 廣川政樹

Exhibition Venue 4 - RenovArt | Flowing Identities - ApuliaAste - Masaki Hirokawa / 廣川政樹