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グローバルアートマガジン 365 Art+ Magazine Case 36. TOYS の本扉にグラフィック掲載

CG / Fine Art / Graphic
グローバルアートマガジン 365 Art+ Magazine 第36号 365 Art+ Case 36. TOYS の本扉にグラフィック「Nightingale / 戦場に咲く花」を掲載いただきました。本誌には世界中の素晴らしいアートが分け隔てなく掲載されており、アートに国境は存在しないという至極当然のことを、圧倒的な美意識をもって体現されています。世界には多様な価値観と歴史によって養われた倫理観が存在することは確かですが、美を感じる精神は万国共通のもののように思います。崇高な精神により運営される本誌に大切な作品を掲載いただき、心より感謝申し上げます。

My works of art were featured in the 36th issue of the global art magazine 365 Art+ Magazine. Nightingale was featured on the inside cover of 365 Art+ Case 36. TOYS. This magazine, which features wonderful art from all over the world without discrimination, embodies the perfectly natural concept that there are no national boundaries in art with an impressive aesthetic sense. While it is true that there are various ethical viewpoints based on senses of value and history in the world, I believe that the spirit of appreciating beauty is common to the whole world. I am deeply grateful that my cherished works of art were featured in this magazine that is driven by a noble spirit.


365 Art+ Case 36. DOLLS & TOYS

365 Art+ Magazine

365 Art+ Magazine - Dolice Design


Magazine: 365 Art+ Magazine
Chief Adviser: Pavel Lyu Jenchan
Chief Editor: Zulya Nakagawa


Artwork contributions:

Nightingale / 戦場に咲く花
Dec 2019 / 64 x 90 cm (Height x Width)

May the world be at peace.
May all languages, principles, and religions be treated equally with respect.
May our hearts be filled with mercy and love, and do away with conflicts and strife.
May calm and tranquility come to our souls.
May my life become a small prayer, and travel across this star.


Nightingale / 戦場に咲く花 by Masaki Hirokawa - 365 Art+ Case 36. TOYS

365 Art+ Case 36. TOYS - 365 Art+ Magazine

Masaki Hirokawa - 365 Art+ Case 36. TOYS
