The inspiration came from discovering a large pile of discarded tatami mats in front of a tatami shop. Further investigation revealed a decline in demand for tatami and a lack of recycling methods, prompting the idea of preserving this beloved Japanese tradition. Tatami mats have various benefits, such as a rich aroma and odor control, but they are constrained by their fragility and vulnerability to water. To address this, we began developing a material by mixing them with resin to enhance moldability and waterproofing. We chose a base resin, cellulose acetate, with low environmental impact. The result is a project that creates furniture using a material made from igusa (rush grass) mixed with resin. -
審査のポイントである3つのP(for People, for Planet, for Profit)について、あなたのプロジェクトや活動ではどのような取り組みをしていますか?
【for People】
【for Planet】
【for Profit】
Traditionally loved in Japan, tatami mats have been made from plant materials with a rich scent, pleasant texture, and properties for humidity control and odor reduction, providing a comfortable and soothing living environment. However, changing lifestyles have led to fewer interactions with tatami.
In response, we have developed new materials using tatami and igusa (rush grass) and created furniture suited for modern living.
The new material we've created in our project combines biodegradable resin with discarded tatami and igusa. The biodegradable resin used is called cellulose acetate, derived from wood fibers and other biomass sources, which can decompose in approximately one year, potentially contributing to solving the issue of ocean plastic waste.
About 40% of igusa is discarded during tatami production, and we use these discarded materials.
We aim to preserve Japan's tatami culture for the next generation, developing a unique manufacturing technique using the new material and large-scale 3D printing technology while raising awareness of the benefits of tatami and igusa themselves.
The discarded igusa used for our material is purchased, creating profit to igusa farmers and tatami craftsmen, which supports the sustainability of the tatami industry.
Additionally, 3D printing manufacturing eliminates the need for investments in molds and facilities, enabling customizable production, thus enhancing the business's sustainability. -
日本 東京
#InteriorDesign #Crafts #Sustanable
In Japan, the traditional tatami culture has long been familiar, but recent westernization of Japanese interior design has led to a shrinking of the culture and industry that igusa farmers and tatami craftsmen have upheld. This project, sponsored by igusa-related products producing company Ikehiko Corporation, utilizes discarded igusa which is extracted between the process of growing igusa to making tatami. Kyushu has many people involved in the igusa industry, and they represent a culturally valuable asset to the region. To upgrade this culture for the next generation, the large-scale 3D printing technology is used to transform flat tatami into three-dimensional pieces, such as chairs, tables, lighting, and miscellaneous items. While it may seem like a substantial transformation, the essence lies in the application of the functions inherent to tatami, such as humidity control, odor absorption, and the attractive visual and tactile qualities of natural materials, in the context of cultural preservation. Additionally, there is a concept of combining 3D printing with handcrafting, weaving raw igusa into resin and combining resin with the tatami surface to create high-value artistic pieces. The project seeks to break free from the concept of tatami as flat boards and create a new form of tatami that will remain in the future. -
Tatami, beloved in Japan for ages, has provided people a rich experience from its gentle and soft skin-like texture, humidity regulation, and the natural aroma. However, due to a shortage of craftsmen and changes in lifestyle, opportunities to experience tatami have decreased. In this project, we've retained the traditional tatami materials and introduced novelty in their form by using 3D printing, aiming to create a furniture series that resonates with modern styles, appealing to people worldwide.
Furthermore, the rush grass (igusa) traditionally used to make tatami is subject to a selection process during production, leading to the disposal of approximately 40% of it. This project seeks to minimize waste by utilizing discarded igusa and old tatami as materials, contributing to environmental sustainability.
In addition, we use a biodegradable plastic called cellulose acetate, derived from wood fibers and cotton, and is 100% plant based and does not use fossil fuel. This material can decompose in about a year. If furniture made from such materials becomes widespread, it may help reduce the risk of ocean plastic pollution.
As mentioned earlier, the use of large-scale 3D printing in the manufacturing process eliminates the need for extensive apprenticeship, making it a tool that various individuals can use with proper training, thus offering social sustainability. -
【特別賞】 「新しいパートナーシップのデザイン」として、異業種間の連携や、生活者との共創、サプライチェーン内における役割の転換など、他者との新しい協働のかたちを実現しているか?
・This project represents a unique collaboration between three diverse industries: the "igusa" (rush grass) tatami industry, which has been cherished in Japan for generations, the cutting-edge 3D printing industry, and the design industry. The goal is to preserve tatami for future generations.
・In the traditional process of tatami production, about 40% of discarded igusa and used tatami have not found effective reuse methods beyond fertilizer or miscellaneous goods, and there is no established mechanism for returning benefits to igusa farmers and tatami craftsmen.
・In this project, by grinding and mixing discarded igusa and used tatami with resin, the range of producible products has expanded.
・The use of resin increases the flexibility in shaping, allowing the realization of shapes that were previously impossible with tatami.
・Combining 3D printing technology creates opportunities for collaboration with individuals and manufacturers who have not previously been deeply involved with tatami.
・For example, selling pellets or filaments for 3D printers can empower DIY enthusiasts to create new products.
・Establishing a mechanism to return a portion of the profits from materials and products made from discarded igusa and used tatami to igusa farmers and tatami craftsmen will allow to promote the tatami culture to the next generation in a new way.
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古くから日本で愛されてきた畳は、香り豊かで肌触り良く調湿や消臭の性能を備えた植物から作られている。しかし生活様式の変化により、近年畳に触れる機会は減少した。「TATAMI ReFAB PROJECT」は大型3Dプリント技術を用いて、畳を現代の暮らしに編み直すプロジェクトである。使い終えた畳や廃棄される原料を再生可能樹脂と混ぜ合わせ、新たな魅力の家具を制作した。我々はこのプロジェクトを通じて畳の魅力を次世代へ発信しく。
Tatami mats, which have been used in Japanese living environment for centuries, are made from plants that are fragrant and have the ability to adjust humidity and reduce odors. The "TATAMI ReFAB PROJECT" is a project that re-embed Tatami into modern life using 3D printing technology. We designed furniture from a material made of recycled tatami with biodegradable plastic. We will continue to appeal the beauty of tatami to the next generation.
Tatami mats, which have been used in Japanese living environment for centuries, are made from plants that are fragrant and have the ability to adjust humidity and reduce odors. The "TATAMI ReFAB PROJECT" is a project that re-embed Tatami into modern life using 3D printing technology. We designed furniture from a material made of recycled tatami with biodegradable plastic. We will continue to appeal the beauty of tatami to the next generation.