古くて新しいエコシステムである歴史的石垣の復興プロジェクトin南阿蘇村 Historic stone wall restoration project as an old and new ecosystem in Minamiaso Village
学生たちと調査したところ、南阿蘇村には歴史的石垣が多数あることを確認できました。しかし、「積む技」はほとんど継承されていません。石垣は文化的景観として大切なだけでなく、地域循環資源の石を使い、二酸化炭素も排出せず、これからの時代にマッチしています。では、どうすれば素晴らしい石垣文化を復興していけるだろうか? これが最初の問題意識でした。南阿蘇村の歴史的石垣を保全していくには、何よりも「積む技」を蘇らせることが重要です。そこで、所有者の許可を得て、損傷していた川後田地区の歴史的石垣を丁寧に分解してみること、さらに地域の古老に石積み経験についてヒアリングすることで、石垣に秘められた先人の技と知恵とを学び取ることにしました。次に、分解からの学びを活かし、石垣再築に挑みました。地元建設会社等からも多数の方々が参加してくださり、皆で意見を出し合い試行錯誤しながら作業を進めた。納得のいかないところは何度でも積み直しました。半年後に完成。先人の知恵と技をしっかり反映しました。まだ真新しいですが、少し時が経てばきっと、分解させてもらった石垣と同じ地域らしい表情を醸し出すようになると思っています。
After researching with the students, we were able to confirm that there are many historical stone walls in Minamiaso Village. However, the masonry technique has hardly been passed down. Stone walls are not only important as a cultural landscape, but they are also suitable for the future, as they use stone from local recyclable resources and do not emit carbon dioxide. So, how can we restore the wonderful stone wall culture? This was our first awareness of the problem. In order to preserve the historic stone walls of Minamiaso Village, it is most important to revive the masonry technique.
Therefore, with the owner's permission, we carefully disassembled the damaged historical stone wall at Kawagoda district, and by interviewing local elders about their experience in masonry, we were able to learn about the skills of our ancestors hidden in the stone wall. We took on the challenge of learning wisdom. Utilizing what we had learned from disassembly, we took on the challenge of rebuilding the stone wall. Many people from local construction companies also participated. Everyone shared their opinions and proceeded with the work through trial and error. The stone wall was completed after half a year. It reflects the wisdom and skills of our predecessors. It's still brand new, but we are sure that over time it will take on the same regional look as the stone wall that was disassembled. -
審査のポイントである3つのP(for People, for Planet, for Profit)について、あなたのプロジェクトや活動ではどのような取り組みをしていますか?
・for People #1: 地域の方々に歴史的石垣の今日的価値の共有
・for people #2: 積める人材を育てる活動
・for Planet: 石の資源循環の仕組みの構築
・for Profit: 歴史的石垣を活かしたエコツーリズムの立ち上げ
・for People #1: Sharing the contemporary value of historical stone walls with local people
Our research revealed that there are 5,504 historical stone walls in Minamiaso Village. A pamphlet was created to convey the modern value of stone walls and was distributed to all households in Minamiaso Village last year. We will continue to distribute them at various local events.
・for people #2: Activities to develop capable human resources
We are currently producing a guidebook for the preservation, restoration, and new construction of historic stone walls. It introduces the wisdom and techniques of our predecessors learned in Kawagoda and provides easy-to-understand explanations of how to build stone walls.
・for Planet: Building a stone resource circulation system
In order to protect a stone wall, stones are needed. We have begun a social experiment with the Minamiaso Village Stone Bank, a system that stores stones generated during construction work in the village and provides stones of appropriate types and sizes in response to requests from residents.
・for Profit: Launching ecotourism that takes advantage of historic stone walls
Minamiaso Village has a variety of eco-friendly foods and livelihoods. By combining these with eco-friendly stone walls, we are currently building a platform to develop an eco-tourism menu that will lead to a re-evaluation of the region and the promotion of the local economy. -
#Stone wall #Eco-friendly system #old and new value
The historic stone walls of Minamiaso Village are currently facing major challenges. One of these is rebuilding with concrete block walls. Another one is that the wisdom and technique for building stone walls has almost disappeared. For local people, stone walls are buried in their daily scenery, and they are rarely aware of their value or preservation. It's only natural that people would want to use concrete, which is cheap and easy to maintain, if their stone wall is damaged. Local builders also tend to choose concrete construction over the time-consuming masonry construction. In order to change the current situation, we are considering other ways to patiently convey the old and new values of stone walls, and we continue to distribute pamphlets and hold workshops. We have been holding masonry study groups to learn about the wisdom and technique of the area, and so far more than 10 local construction and landscaping companies have participated. Many of them have commented, “I learned a lot because there were so many things I didn't know,” and “Masonry is difficult but fun.” Furthermore, among the people in the district where we have disassembled and rebuilt a historic stone wall, some of them have begun to take pride in the stone walls left by their predecessors through contact with us. -
【特別賞】 「教育とストーリーテリング」あなたの取り組みは、複雑なバイオエコノミーの概念をどのようにしてわかりやすく、そして魅力的にしていますか?(日英併記)
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