超個人的交通機関 MOBILE WEAR(モビルウェア) MOBILE WEAR: Ultra-personal transportation
着るモビリティ MOBILE WEARは衣服のように身に着け,立ち姿勢(standing mode)でも座り姿勢(sitting mode)でも移動することができる超個人的交通機関です.
自宅から駅の間などのラストワンマイルを結ぶ移動手段として利用することを想定しています.服の様にコンパクトで着用したまま公共交通機関に乗り込むことができるため,駐輪場やポートに預ける手間が不要で,煩わしい持込み手荷物にもならず,出発地から目的地までシームレスな移動が実現できます. しかも移動に必要なエネルギーはガソリン車の数十分の一です.
MOBILE WEARは上記コンセプトの下に2019年にMk-Iを開発.以降,現在に至るまで軽量化や操作性向上などの改良を重ねてきました.
MOBILE WEARはその製造,運用の過程で排出するCO2排出量がクルマに比べて格段に小さいので,同じ距離をクルマで移動した場合と比べてCO2排出量が大きく削減されます. そこでその差分をカーボンクレジットとして発行し,さらにトークン化して世界中に流通・循環させ,そのトークンをMOBILE WEAR本体,部品,エネルギー,サービスのコスト償却に充当することでユーザーに対してフリーな移動を提供します.
Wearable Mobility MOBILE WEAR is the ultra-personal transportation that can be worn like clothing and used for moving around in either standing or sitting mode.
MOBILE WEAR is intended to be used as a transportation to connect the last mile between home and the station.
It is compact like clothing and can be worn while boarding public transportation, eliminating the need to leave it at a bicycle parking lot or port, and eliminating the need for bothersome carry-on baggage, allowing for seamless travel from departure point to destination. Moreover, the energy required for travel is a tenth of that required for a PET-engine vehicle.
MOBILE WEAR developed the Mk-I in 2019 based on the above concept. Since then, it has been improved to be lighter and easier to use.
The amount of CO2 emissions emitted during the manufacturing and operation of MOBILE WEAR is significantly smaller than that of a car, so CO2 emissions are significantly reduced compared to traveling the same distance by car. Therefore, the difference is issued as carbon credits, which are then tokenized and circulated around the world. These tokens can be used to amortize the costs of the MOBILE WEAR itself, its parts, energy, and services, providing users with free travel. -
審査のポイントである3つのP(for People, for Planet, for Profit)について、あなたのプロジェクトや活動ではどのような取り組みをしていますか?
for People:快適でシームレスな移動
for Planet:環境負荷低減
MOBILE WEARが移動に費やすエネルギーは他ののりものと比べて非常に小さく,クルマの数十分の一です.現在日本国内の移動に由来するエネルギー消費,CO2排出のほとんどがクルマによるものなので,移動をMOBILE WEARと公共交通機関に転換することで大きな環境負荷低減が期待できます.
for Profit:移動をフリーに
MOBILE WEAR使用の価値をトークンの形で世の中に流通・循環させることで移動をフリーにできます.
このトークンの流通規模はクルマ移動を賄うほど大きくはありませんが,運用コストが小さいMOBILE WEARであればユーザーに大きな追加コストを支払わせることのないフリーな移動手段を提供できると考えられます.
クルマ移動と比べてMOBILE WEAR移動が削減するCO2排出量分のカーボンクレジットの価格はMOBILE WEAR走行のコスト(充電料金) を賄える試算結果が得られました.
for People: Comfortable and seamless travel
It provides a comfortable short-distance travel that is not bound by timetables or advance reservations to many people, including those who cannot use a car. It is highly compatible with public transportation, so it can also be combined with trains to make long-distance travel possible.
for Planet: Reducing environmental impact
The energy consumed by MOBILE WEAR for travel is extremely small compared to other forms of transportation, the energy required for travel is a tenth of that required for a PET-engine vehicle. Currently, most of the energy consumption and CO2 emissions resulting from travel in Japan are caused by cars, so by switching to MOBILE WEAR and public transportation, we can expect to significantly reduce the environmental impact.
for Profit: making mobility free
Mobility can be made free by distributing and circulating the value of using MOBILE WEAR as tokens in the world.
The scale of circulation of these tokens is not large enough to cover car travel, but MOBILE WEAR, which has low operating costs, is thought to be able to provide a free means of transportation without forcing users to pay large additional costs.
The price of carbon credits for the CO2 emissions reduced by traveling with MOBILE WEAR compared to traveling by car has been calculated to be enough to cover the cost of driving MOBILE WEAR (charging fees). -
#mobility #token #CarbonCredit
【特別賞】 「教育とストーリーテリング」あなたの取り組みは、複雑なバイオエコノミーの概念をどのようにしてわかりやすく、そして魅力的にしていますか?(日英併記)
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MOBILE WEAR: Ultra-personal transportation
超個人的交通機関 MOBILE WEAR(モビルウェア)の使用によって生じる価値をトークンという形で世の中に流通・循環させることで移動をフリーにすることができます.
Mobility can be made free by distributing and circulating the value of using MOBILE WEAR as tokens in the world.
Mobility can be made free by distributing and circulating the value of using MOBILE WEAR as tokens in the world.