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着るモビリティ MOBILE WEAR Mk-IIは交通デザイン研究所が提案する新しいパーソナルモビリティ。
服の様に着用し、立ち姿勢(Standing mode)および座り姿勢(Stool mode)で移動することができます。
セグウェイや電動キックボードなど従来の小型パーソナルモビリティの多くは立ち乗りですが、レジャーやスポーツ用ではなく移動手段として使用するならばユーザの負担軽減が必要と考え、MOBILE WEAR Mk-IIはStanding modeで立ち乗り移動の軽快性を、Stool modeで座り姿勢移動の安楽性を提供します。
また、多くのパーソナルモビリティは車室がなくユーザーは外部環境に晒されますが、MOBILE WEAR Mk-IIは「WEAR」がミニマムなキャビン機能を果たし、外部環境からユーザーを護ります。さらに、通常の衣服と同様に「WEAR」を各個人が好みの外観意匠にすることで、パーソナルモビリティ使用に対する心理的バリア(「弱者に見られそう」)も低減できます。

MOBILE WEAR Mk-II is a new personal mobility proposed by the Transport Design Lab.
It can be worn like clothes and can be moved in a standing position (Standing mode) and a sitting position (Stool mode).
Most of the conventional small personal mobility such as Segway and electric kickboard are standing, but if they are used as a means of transportation rather than for leisure or sports, it is necessary to reduce the burden on the user. MOBILE WEAR Mk-II provides the lightness of standing movement in Standing mode and the comfort of sitting posture movement in Stool mode.
In addition, many personal mobility devices do not have a passenger compartment and users are exposed to the external environment, but in MOBILE WEAR Mk-II, "WEAR" fulfills the minimum cabin function and protects the user from the external environment.
Furthermore, the psychological barrier to the use of personal mobility (which is likely to be seen by the vulnerable) can be reduced by making "WEAR" an appearance design that each individual likes, as in ordinary clothing.


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