Calling for ideas that will boldly change (transform, convert, update, and expand) the way we look at wood!

Results WED, NOV 18, 2020 - MON, FEB 15, 2021

Application themes

[Application theme]

Ideas to change the way we look at wood


We are looking for the following three changes.

①"#MATERIALITY" to change the way we utilize the characteristics of wood ... call for "product" ideas

②"#ACTIVITY" to change the relationship between wood and people ... call for "services and frameworks" ideas

③"#STORYTELLING" to change the impression of using wood ... call for "communication" ideas

Application targets

Ideas for communication/products/services and frameworks that lead to greater use and new uses of the Japanese wood
*Any category is acceptable. Unimplemented activities, projects and performances are also welcome!
*Please note that ideas that have been commercialized as of the end of February 2021 are not eligible for submission. Ideas that have not yet been commercialized and have already been published on your portfolio site, etc. are eligible for submission. In addition, online services and activities, both planned and pre-launch, are eligible as of the end of February 2021, as long as they are not yet implemented or operational.

Submission period

November 18, 2020 (Wednesday) -February 15, 2021 (Monday)

※Japan time

Entry requirements

There are no conditions based on age/gender/nationality and it doesn’t matter if you’re a student or a working person. Group entries also accepted.

Number of applications

No limit
* However, duplicate WOULD CHANGE CAMP submissions with the same idea are not possible.
* If you apply for more than one, please submit each idea separately.

How to apply

Applications for this award will be accepted via AWRD ( operated by Loftwork Inc. AWRD user registration is required to apply. (free)
Please prepare your submission and check the application method before applying.

Application fee


Entry form details

① Images of works and ideas *Required

・ 1 main image *Required
・ Up to 3 sub-images *Optional
* Images that can be used to image the scene of the idea would be recommended
* Please use either JPEG, GIF, or PNG formats.
* The total file size should be a maximum of 10MB, and the appropriate image resolution should be 72dpi

② Video URL introducing work and idea usage scenarios (under 5 minutes) *Optional

*We recommend submitting an introduction video. Please ensure that your video is open to the general public.

*If you have reasons that prevent you from making your video publicly accessible, please include the password with the link. Please be aware that your work will not be judged if we cannot view it.

③ Title of work and idea *Required
④ Description of the work and idea (within 200 words) *Required

Please clearly explain the following:
What and which part of the wood will you focus on, why and for whom did you create this plan for, and what kind of change will be realized through it?
*For the "what" question, please clarify what kind of wood you will be using if you are intending to use a wood product. If you have a specific type in mind, please indicate which type it is in detail (example: Japanese cedar, Japanese cypress, zelkova, etc.). If you do not have a specific type of wood in mind, please indicate what characteristics are you looking for in the wood.

⑤ Applicant name *Required

*If you are applying as a group, please write the name of the representative

⑥ Country of Residence *Required
⑦ Email address *Required

*If you are applying as a group, please write the email address of the representative. Make sure you write the correct address as the result of your application is planned to be sent to your email address.

⑧ Applicant profile or short resume (within 200 words)*Required

* For groups, please include biographies for each member.

⑨ Portfolio URL *Optional

Judging Criteria

Whether it is an unexpected perspective or approach that makes us say “Wow”!

Whether it expands the value and use of the Japanese wood and people's ordinary and extraordinary lives

Is it an idea with an edgy point of view to create a moving experience?

Whether it is possible or feasible to realize?


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