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Project name: KOREKUTO
Members: Nondo-Jacob Sikazwe (Facilitator), Julie Sasaki, Cao Zhiyong, Mario Bachmann
Team name: Yoda and associates

It is reported that waste liquid from kitchens in the form of ramen soup, rice water, milk, and other liquids damages Tokyo's Martine sea life and environment. The worst pollutant of these liquids is used cooking oil, with 21%-50% of People pouring it into the sink.
*One of the team members used to work in a Tempura restaurant. Knowing the industry problems, he was concerned about how kitchens handle used oil.

How can we close the loop of used cooking oil from the kitchen being released into the sea by changing its value?

We created a digital platform where all community members can vote for a community reward after collectively reaching their goal of recycling used waste oil.
They do this by using our app., members can register how many litters of used oil they have stored and track neighbor's recycling goals. Then they can get points on the app. from partner supermarkets or collectors after depositing the used oil. Once the goal is reached, rewarded development is given to the community.

We hope the platform can change the value of used oil by giving the community a sense of ownership, self-tracking and direct improvement of their community through rewards.

Team photo


Actant Map
